Chapter Α

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Was this really necessary? Percy couldn't stand in his own, every breath hurt like a knife cutting his throat in little pieces and he couldn't even scream, since his throat was bloody and dry from dehydration, and Tartarus chained him to the wall nevertheless.

He was in a sitting position, his limbs, torso and head immobilized by the chains around them. His fear rose steadily and his heart beat wildly. What was Tartarus going to do to him?

The pit laughed. "Is someone afraid?" Percy couldn't reply, his throat too dry to let one word escape his lips. He fought to stay conscious, his earlier torture draining his energy too much to open his eyes. Tartarus knelt next to him and wisphered, " You are sleepy, Perseus. Let's see if I can do something against that."

A second later, cold liquid crashed into the boy and he gasped. Water. He wasn't tired anymore, the water had refreshed his energy, but he shivered from the cold now. He wasn't able to control this water. He cought and blinked the liquid out of his eyes. Why was it so cold? Tartarus kicked Percy's ankle and he looked up.

"Are you cold?" Percy just closed his eyes again, a shudder running down his spine. Why couldn't Tartarus just leave him alone, only for one night? Was that too much to ask? He knew he should answer the question knew it would hurt more if he didn't, but he could not. He couldn't make a sound.

"I think you are, but I can do something against that, too." Dread settled down in Percy's bones. Tartarus took something out from behind his back, Percy following his every movement with his eyes... A bunch of wires. The Pit hooked two on each of Percy's arms, three on each leg and two on his chest. Then he grinned and hooked one under his chin, sending a shudder through Percy's body where Tartarus' finger touched him.

There was a glint in the Pit's eyes, glee, delight, anticipation. "Don't worry, Perseus. You will be warm in a second." Percy tried to shake his head, but the chain around his scull stopped him. He looked at his torturer beggingly, not knowing what he was planning, but knowing it would hurt, but Tartarus just laughed.

Tartarus stepped aside to reveal a machine connected to the wires. Without any warning, he turned it on.

Percy opened his mouth in a silent scream, electricity coursing through his body. Hot pain burned at his nerves, his body going numb, the machine sending new waves of pain through him every second.
He wanted to curl up and block out the unbearable pain, but he was paralysed. A new wave of electricity run through him and he could hear Tartarus's laugher, feeling his satisfaction and his glee as Percy's world turned red.

"S-stop." One word, the only thing he could stutter out through the pain and screams. It burned, it hurt so much. Why did it hurt so much? He let the tears flow as he slowly drifted away into the world of darkness. Why did it hurt so much?

Clarisse POV:

After 45 minutes of walking, we finally found the train station. "Guys, let's hurry back and tell the boys," said Annabeth, taking the lead. Fenja and I nodded and we turned back.

"Why hadn't we been attacked yet? Percy and Luke should have attracted a lot of monsters, and Fenja too," I wondered, fisting my hands. Fenja shook her head. "I don't know, but I am happy for it. I just hope it stays that way."
"Yeah, hopefully." Annabeth sounded thoughtful.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, let's just head back." I got the feeling she knew something we didn't, but I shrugged it off. We continued walking to the hut, but halfway there, we heard a gut-wrenching scream. Annabeth stopped dead in her tracks. She recognized the voice, we all did.


"No, no, no," Annabeth muttered panicked. "Why is it always him?" She said, more to herself then us. Without a word, she sprinted to where the scream had come from. I looked at Fenja and she shrugged, starting to run herself.

We found Annabeth hiding behind a dry bush, her eyes wide in horror. I peered between two branches and suppressed a gaps.
We saw a black, swirling vortex-a portal- and a giant with snake-y hair. "Polybotes," I heard Annabeth mutter. The giant was holding two motionless bodys. One had blood running down his face, his dark hair almost red, while the other one had something white sticking out his side... a bone. Annabeth had tears in her eyes as she saw the bloody face of her boyfriend, while Fenja's expression was blank, showing no emotions at all.

"We gotta help them," I whispered, reaching for my spear, but Fenja stopped me. "We can't do anything for now. I guess they will be taken to the place were Arallana is, so we have to save all three of the at once."
"Four," corrected Annabeth.
She sighed. "We have to save four people. Piper was kidnapped, Jason I-Med me earlier." I face-palmed. "Great. Now we have to find and save four people. We were supposed to free one person! We don't have the equipment for that! And how do we get there in time anyway?"

Fenja made a thinking face. "I can get you there. I can open a portal, but I will be out for three or four hours after that. You can either rescue them alone, or wait for me to wake up. It's your choice." Annabeth considered that for a second. "We will go in alone, so you can rest. We will hide you somewhere and come back after we got Piper, Percy, Luke and Arallana. We don't have the time to wait for you."
"Then let's go," agreed Fenja, determination shining in her eyes. Tartarus, here we come.

A/N: I know that nothing much happened in this chapter, and I am sorry for that.
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