Chapter κ

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He sighed. His sea green eyes red and puffy. He had to leave, he was not able to be near them anymore. His backpack was ready. "Bye," he whispered. Tears welled up in his eyes again. He was leaving his home. It's not like he wanted to leave, he just wasn't able to say anymore. It was killing him. "Going somewhere?" He spun around and sighed. "I have to, Jason. I can't take it anymore."
His cousin nodded. "I know, that's why we will come with you."
"What! No. This is your home." He shook his head. "Home is where the people are you trust the most. It's wherever you are." The green eyed boy smiled."Okay. But I can't guarantee you that you get any of my blue cookies." The blond boy laughed. "Wouldn't think of it." That was the day the son of Poseidon left his home, together with the girlfriend of a former Praetor of rome, and his cousins, except for a golden eyed girl who stayed behind, afraid of the boy she once called brother.

Percy POV:

L.A.. I had bad experiences with L.A.. Well, not everything was bad, but most of it. "Where do we have to go next? We can't just walk to Alaska." Clarisse seemed annoyed and I couldn't blame her. The gods could have send us somewhere near Alaska at least, but no, they had to flash us to Las Vegas. Why Las Vegas of all places? Annabeth sighed. "We have to go to Calico, a ghost town. We should be able to find a house to sleep in there." Clarisse snorted at her answer. "Our parents gave us money, so let's enjoy this and stay the night in some casino. We are in Las Vegas after all." I looked at Annabeth. "No!" We said at the same time, startling the other two. "Why?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrown. "Bad experence," was all I said.

Annabeth nodded, before changing the subject. "Before we leave to Calico, we have to buy drinks and other supplies we could need. I heard that the store over there has everything you need for travel. The store is named 'MeEuSt'. It was founded in 1999 by three unknown sisters. Let's go there first." We nodded and made our way toward the store. It was a tiny building with a wooden door painted in a bright yellow. Annabeth knocked and a petit girl opened.

On first sights, I could deem her a natural beauty, with pale skin and long hair (though nothing compared to Annabeth, of course). The extraordinary thing about her appearance were the bright turqoise highlights mixed with her blond hair. The neon pink shirt was a bit too much though, but she smiled friendly and ushered us inside, so I paid it no mind.

She smiled at us. "Hi. I'm Fenja, welcome to MeEuSt, the store for everything. We sell umbrellas, clothes, bottles, food, TVs... even stone statues," she finished, giving us a strange look. I raised my eyebrows.

Annabeth smiled a false smile at the girl, obviously suspicious of her. "Thank you. I'm Annabeth, this is Percy, the guy with the scar is Luke, and the other girl is Clarisse. We want to travel to Calico, and we would like to buy supplies." Fenja nodded and lead us deeper in the store. "You have to wait in the backyard while I get the owners of the store." We thanked her and went to the back of the store, which lead to the backyard. Annabeth looked troubled. "I don't like this. Stone statues. She said it as if she wanted us to be suspicious." I nodded. Yes, something was defenitifly fishy. "We just have to wait, maybe this is just a normal store like any other, too."

"Why, but Perseus, is anything ever normal for you?" I spun around and took Riptide out of my pocket and Rose from my back. Luke clenched his fists at the sight of the sword. "It belongs to Universe," he muttered, and I was sure I wasn't suppose to hear that. What was his connection to the princess? Had he known her before she'd went missing.

I sighed and handed him the sword. He looked at me wide eyed. "W-what?"
"I may not trust you and I may not know the connection you have to Universe, but I know that she means something to you, and you were right. It belongs to her, so take it and give it to her once we have found her." He smiled at me, a warm smile and I knew that my action meant more to him than I could guess.

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