Chapter θ

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A/N: I stupid idiot forgot to do the disclaimer, so I will do it now: All rights to Rick Riordan. Another Percabeth picture❤❤❤ Remember that third person parts are flashbacks.

"Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Reyna!" The girl knelt before the king of the gods. "For your deeds in this war, the gods decided to grand you immortality. Do you accept?" Without hesitation the Praetor nodded and lowered her head. A red glow engulfed her and she gasped at the new feeling. She was immortal now.

"Chase, Annabeth! For your deeds in this war, the gods decided to grand you immortality. Before you answer, I want to say your boyfriend will be made an immortal, too." Zeus looked more than pissed. Annabeth looked at the black haired boy, who nodded. She turned her head back to Zeus. "I accept." A silver glow surrounded her.

"Di Angelo, Nico; Gardner, Katie; La Rue, Clarisse; Rodriguez, Chris; the Connor, Stoll; Travis, Stoll and Thalia Grace. For your deeds in this war, the gods decided to grand you immortality. Thalia, you are already immortal and we can't offer you anything of more value. But I will give you this." He pulled out a silver bow, the light glistening on the wood. It was beautiful, to say the least. "Do you all accept?" They all nodded. A mix of colours surrounded them. They were immortal, too.

"Jackson, Perseus" He smirked at the angry face of his nephew. "Levesque, Hazel; McLean, Piper; Zhang, Frank. For your deeds in this war, the gods decided to grand you immortality. Do you accept?" They nodded, but Percy (being Percy) interrupted Zeus, who was about to say something else. "I have another wish. Since you didn't free Caypso when I requested it, I wish for a portal between the two camps." Zeus clenched his fists. "Why, you little-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence. You will grant my son his wish." The angry tone in Poseidon's voice convinced Zeus that he'd better do what Percy demanded.

"Fine!" He spat and snapped his fingers. "Done. Happy now Perseus?"
"Of course, uncle. Thank you," he replied sarcastically and mock bowed, leaving the god red faced.

Annabeth POV:

I cried. Every time Percy wimphered in pain, I cried. Every time a bone snapped, I cried more. Every time he screamed I cried more. Every time he whispered those five words I cried the hardest. I am always with you.

The bucked next to me was empty. I had used the last water for his shattered wrist. Percy will be able to fight, but it will hurt like a bitch. There was another crack and I flinched, blood gushing down Percy's nose. I sniffled. Why was this happening to my Seaweed Brain? I had just gotten him back.
He moaned and began to twitch, his eyes slowly opening. Grey met green. "How are you?" I asked gently. "Splendid," he whispered as his eyes closed again. I smiled sadly. My Seaweed Brain.

A few hours later Percy came to. I helped him to the bath to wash away the blood and heal any remaining wounds. I could hear the shower and his sighs of relieve as his bones popped back in place. When he came out again he was dressed in jeans and his black army hoody with those sea green swirls that were the same beautiful color as his eyes.
"I know the identities of the other warriors," I blurted out. He frowned. "They told you?" It had been an... interesting conversation. But I had missed Thalia and the others. And finding out that those who had died in the wars had been resurrected had been exhilarating.

"Yeah. They were looking for you and Luke told you were here. I still can't believe he's alive! But, uh... you should be prepared for a few comments from Silena, Luke and Will. They had this look in their eyes as they saw you sleeping on my lap." I smirked at his bright red face. "But Jason, Nico and Thalia seemed worried. You told them about the dreams, didn't you?" He sighed and sat down beside me. "Jason knows. I haven't told Nico and Thalia, but knowing them, they suspected something and probably forced Jason to tell them."
I could only smile, despite the sorrowful situation.
"That sounds like them."
"Yeah. What's the time, Wise Girl?" How I loved the way he said my nickname. "9 pm. Why?"
"Oh shit. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late and no, don't look at me like that, I'm not the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, but I said we would meet at nine in front of the Poseidon cabin. I would love to stay, but I have to go. Love you." I laughed as he pecked me on the cheek. "Love you, too." My smile faded as I saw him limping out of the cabin. "I'm going to make it stop, Seaweed Brain. I promise."

Jason POV:

I knocked on the door of Percy's room. It was the first time visiting the Poseidon cabin. There were two rooms, a big one and a small one. Percy slept in the small room alone and I knew why. "Come in!" I opened the door. "Hey, Omega." He smiled at me, but stopped as he saw the look on my face. "What?"
"You are limping," I stated matter-of-factly. He sighed, shrugging helplessly. "It wasn't as bad as the last time. I had Annabeth next to me, even if I couldn't see her. I can sleep tonight without, uhm, let's just call it nightmares. He isn't strong enough to drag me down there two times a day."
"That's good. Then sleep, Perce. You, Luke and two campers have to leave tomorrow." He frowned. "Which campers are going, anyway?" I smirked. "Annabeth and Clarisse." He groaned at the mention of the last girl. "Why Clarisse of all people? I am so going to die!! Oh, I have an idea, I'm going to buy her her favourite drink as a parting gift. Toilet water." I snorted and shook my head.
"Sure things. Good night, Omega."
"You too, Jase." I grinned and stepped out of the room, closing the door. "What are you grinning at?" Asked Luke, who was leaning against the wall outside. "We have Persassy Jackson back. Protect your blue cookies."

Somewhere far away from camp Half-blood, a teenage girl was chained to the ceiling of a silver cage. Her feet dangled above the ground, the white chains pulling painfully on her arms. She was weak. Her strength was drained. The cage she was kept in stood in the middle of a dark cave, the only light coming from the cursed chains.

Her once silky black-purple hair was coated in blood and knotted. She coughed weakly and someone laughed. She grittened her teeth. "Leave." Her voice was rich and cut through the air like a knife though butter. The other being chuckled again. "You can't command me around." His voice was cold and evil. He walked toward her and stopped in front of the door of the cage. His elegant fingers pulled out a key and he opened the doors. She knew he wanted her to be afraid, but she had seen worse than an arrogant brat. "What do you want, Alex?" She spat his name like it was poisen. He grinned. "The same thing I wanted since the first time I asked. What do we have to do to wake Télos?" The name send shivers down her spine. Alex had always wanted to take her throne, but she wouldn't let him, couldn't.

"I don't know." She was a good lier, but Alex was better. He knew she wasn't telling the truth. "Maybe my master can reawaken a few of you memories." He walked out of her cage, a sadistic smile playing on his lips. She sighed. His master. She really didn't like his ways of convincing. She hated him. She never knew she would be able hate someone so much, but he had destroyed her life. He'd made her suffer, because of him, she'd lost everything. She would make him pay.

Someone else entered the cave. "I heard you didn't answer the question. Once again." This voice, it was so cruel and ancient. "And I will never." She tried to sound bored, as if the girl wouldn't care what he would do to her, but she was afraid. She was, after all, just a teenager. A teenager in chains. His boots made dull sounds on the ground. Tartarus grinned. "Let's play, princess."

A/N: Sooo, I finished another chappy. I will try to update every day, but my chapters Mondays and the Thursdays will be short, 'cause I have long school days, so yeah. Who do you think is the girl in the cage? Bye 😇

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