Chapter ν

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(A/N: This is Fenja's hair👆)

"Warriors! I've found new recruits for your sector!" A boy in a golden hood walked up to the little group standing behind Chaos. New recruits?
"Hello. I am Alpha, commander of the warriors. It's nice to have some new faces around, always seeing the same ones is getting boring."

He laughed and got hit in the head by a girl in a white hood. "Just ignore the idiot. We all do. I am Constellation, but you can call me Con." A boy in a jet black hood, sea green swirls curling around the bottom, stepped forward.

Alpha stiffed at the colour. He had known someone with such an eye colour. "Nice meeting you, Con. I am Omega. The guy in the black hoody is Ghost, the girl next to him Charm and her boyfriend Thunder. Then there is Thunder's sister Diana in the blue-yellow hood."
Chaos nodded towards Omega, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I think you should reveal your identities to one another." He sounded nervous. Alpha frowned. Chaos was never nervous. "Fine, why not. I'm Luke Castellan. I am from earth."

I could hear Annabth scream my name. I tried to say something, but another wave of pain hit me and I bit my lip so hard it began to bleed. I wouldn't scream again. Not in front of my Wise Girl. The edge of my vision turned black and I could barely see the blur of pink and the two gorgon sisters who turned into golden dust and the screech of Medusa as she threw herself at the figure that had killed her two sister. A girl in a pink shirt. Than I blacked out.

Annabeth Pov:

What. Had. Just. Happened? One second I was held captive by two Gorgons, watching my boyfriend eat poisonous food, and the next thing I know, there are three piles of golden dust and a girl with turquoise highlights standing next to me, a bow clutched in her hand. "Get your friend inside, I can bring you to Calico while he sleeps the poison off."

"Wait, what? Time out. Stop, stop, stop. Explain. Who are you really and why did you help us?" Growled Luke, picking his sword back up. She sighed. "I am Fenja Polemistís, an-" She was interrupted by Luke's surprised gaps. Wow, rude. First he asks, then he interrupts her.

"You are one of the three," he exclaims, lowering his weapon, a look of shock on his face. Fenja tensed and notched an arrow. "Who told you that?" Luke held up his hands in surrender.
"Chill," muttered Luke, "Arallana told me." Fenja seemed to relax and lowered her bow, slipping out of her fighting stance.

My brain was racing with all the new information. Arallana? The three? What was going on? I hated not knowing what was going on. "Who is Arallana and what are the three?" Voiced Clarisse my thoughts. The two ignored her and Fenja stated, "And you are the Luke. Lana always talked about you."
Luke blushed red like a tomato, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oh, she did?"

If I weren't so confused I would have laughed, but, like I said, I hated not knowing things. "Okay, Stop! You will explain everything once we get Percy inside!" I commanded, frowning in irritation. Fenja nodded and I dragged Percy inside the store, careful not to hurt him. Who would have thought that he was so damn heavy? After laying him on a bed I found, I turned to Luke. "Explain."

He sighed. "I haven't told you everything I know about the princess. Universe and I, we knew each other. We were friends." Fenja snickered quietly and Luke shot her a glare and continued. "Her real name is Arallana, her friends just called her Lana." He looked at Fenja, seemingly lost for words. "Do you want to continue?"

She nodded. "Long ago, we were a group of three. Arallana, Alex and I. Alex was the power-hungry one... he couldn't understand why Lana didn't use her powers to rule over planets, to get people to bow down to her, but she never wanted to be a princess. She used her powers to help others and to lead the army. Before she came to the Chaos army, we just travelled through the universe and helped where we could. One day someone offered to train us and help us find our true destiny, whatever that was supposed to mean. He could give us power. Arallana was wary about the whole situation and wanted to decline, but Alex already accepted and we swore we would stay together, no matter what, so we went with him."

"Who was he?" I had my suspicions, but I needed confirmation, because the whole story could get really dangerous if I was right, but Fenja just shook her head. "Doesn't matter. We made a mistake by going with him. In the beginning he just trained us, he always pushed Lana harder than us, making her life a living hell, but after some time he wanted us to attack a city, to force our powers upon the citizens. Arallana refused. She said we would leave, but Alex begged us to stay and she gave in, but said that, if the man asked us something like that again, we would leave for good. Our trainer agreed, but I knew Arallana made an enemy that day. He punished her for every little thing she did wrong and I begged her to leave, but Alex didn't want to and she decided to stay with him. (I seriously wanted to strangle Alex). His hunger for power had blinded him. He didn't realise what was happening to Lana. One day, I found her in her room, half dead, and that was the day I decided to leave with her... but something went wrong." She had tears in her eyes.

Luke laid a hand on her shoulder, encouraging her to continue, but Fenja shook her head vehemently. I frowned, but decided to change the topic. "Are you a daughter of Chaos, too?" Fenja shook her head. "I am a Fae. Arallana, Alex and I have the same mother. She's our half-sister." I let that sink in. "Why did you leave your home?"
"None of your concern." She had a defensive fire in her eyes and I knew I shouldn't push her any further, so I apologized and turned my attention to the sleeping form of Percy.

I was surprised he didn't seem to be injured. He wasn't afraid either. I smiled. Maybe the whole eat-the-posien-thing wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and he was able to get a good night sleep for once. Luke interrupted my thoughts.

"Do you all have the same eye colour as your highlights?" What?! Who cares? How in the hell was that even important? Fenja chuckled. "Yeah. Arallana has purple, Alex has a pale blue and I have turquoise as our representative colours, whatever that means."

I laughed. "Percy and I had both a grey streak from holding up the sky, once. It was like a bond between us."
"That is both, romantic an-" Her sentence was interrupted by a heart-wrenching scream. A scream coming from my boyfriend. Not again! I had been wrong, he was not having a good night sleep. Clarisse gasped. "What is happening." Clarisse's voice was wavering in confusion. "It is the poison," I lied. She nodded, buying it, but from the look on Fenja's face, I could tell that she knew exactly what was going on.

"I have the power to flash you to Calico, where you can wait until he wakes up." I nodded shaky and grapsed Percy's hand tightly. A bright light enfulged us and I closed my eyes, letting a tear run down my cheek as Percy let another scream escaped his lips.

The girl grinned at the angry face of her kidnapper. "Is something wrong?"
He gritted his teeth. "You will pay for this." She just shook her head mockingly. It's not like he could do much more than he had already done. "Oh dear Tartar Sauce, I don't think so."

He gripped her long, silky hair. "You don't even know what you are good for. What do you think I kidnapped you for? Fun? No, you are my key to destroy the gods and wake Télos from his never-ending sleep, I just don't know how to use you yet. You are so much more than you realise."
He left with a scowl on his face, his words leaving a sour taste in her mouth. She knew exactly how he could use her powers to awaken Télos. She knew exactly how powerful she was, what she was good for.

A/N: Soo, who do you think is Télos? He is used in a lot of Chaos fanfictions. Comment, vote, etc. Bye😏

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