Chapter η

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The boy forced a smile on his face as he searched for his girlfriend. Did they think he didn't hear the whispers, didn't see the fearful glances, or were they just trying to hurt him. Fear hung in the air. Fear of him.

His mood lightened as he saw what he had been looking for: blond princess curls. This time his smile was real. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around the girl from behind, breathing in his Wise Girl's scent. What he didn't expect was for her to flinch away from him. "Don't you dare touch me," she spat, leaving the boy in shock. What?

"W-what? What did I do?" She laughed. A hurtful, mocking laugh. "What did I do?" She mimicked him, pushing his chest. "You are so stupid. I will tell you what you did. First, you got me almost killed thousand of times, second, you've killed opponents that were much too powerful for you to defeat, I don't know how, but you cheated during those fights. How else could you have survived Kronos and Gaia. And what you did down there. You are a monster. No-one should be able to control poisen. You caused two wars, and got almost all of my friends killed! You should have cut the stupid web, but you didn't, so I fell into Tartarus, all because you weren't smart enough to safe me, because you were too dump to realise what was happening. You ruined my life! If you touch me ever again, I will kill you. I you talk to me ever again, I will kill you and if you even think about me ever again, I swear I will-"

"Kill me?" Something cold was crawling over his heart, slowly covering it in a thin layer of ice. He couldn't say it was expected, Annabeth's betrayal, but Percy had been afraid of this from the beginning. He knew Annabeth had been afraid in Tartarus, not just of the monsters and possibility that they wouldn't get out of hell, but also of Percy, after what had happened with the poison. But this, everything she was blaming on him... it turned his shock into hot, raging anger.

"Try it. I could always beat you in fights, because all you had was your brain and it looks like that isn't working at the moment. Let me tell you a few things. You are the smart one, so cut the web yourself, I fell into the pit because of you, not the other way around and I would do it again 'cause I love you, and I will always love you and if you don't love me fine, but get out of my way, Annabeth!" He didn't wait for her response. He pushed past her and stormed toward his cabin, letting the tears flow.

At the same time, another boy was sitting on the beach with his girlfriend, staring at the blue sky. "I miss him," muttered the boy, eyes the same colour as the sky he was looking at. The girl sighed. "Me too." They sat in silence, but suddenly the girl gasped, jumping to her feet. She had seen something. "What is it Pipes?" She pointed at something in the white clouds. "He's back!" And she was right. The golden dragon she used to love so much flew toward them, two people on its back. A scrawny Latino elf and a beautiful caramel haired girl. Jason jumped to his feet and kissed his girlfriend, grinning from ear to ear. "I will be right back." And with that he flew in the sky like the blond Superman he is to welcome his best friend.

Omega POV:

"I'm sure you all have people you wanna talk to. You don't have reveal yourself today or any other day. We'll meet up at 9 pm sharp in the Poseidon cabin. Whoever's late us on dishes-duty."
The others nodded and I dismissed them. Even with the threat of having to clean the dishes later, they'd be late anyway, so I had some time to kill. "Time to talk to some old friends," I muttered under my breath. "Omega?" I turned around. Jason, Piper and Nico stood behind me. "If you want to talk to the seven, well, four, we would like to join you, if that's okay with you?"

I thought about it for a moment and nodded. Why not?
We found Hazel, Frank and Leo in the woods. Where was Annabeth? I would have thought she'd be with them.
"Hazel?" I asked. The three raised their heads, looking at each other. Probably in confusion as to why we would be here. "Commander Omega. What can I do for you?" I smiled. Always the polite one.

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