Chapter μ

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The kids were beaten and bloody, but they wouldn't give up. Never. A girl stumbled, but her boyfriend caught her and urged her to run faster. The kids were tired and hungry, but they wouldn't give up. Never. The boy leading the group stopped. He had heard something. Suddenly a scream rung through the air. The kids locked eyes, and even if they were messy and thirsty, they wouldn't let someone else get hurt. Never. So they run as fast as they could. In an alley they came to a stop. A girl laid on the ground, trying to scramble away from a man with a long sword. Both weren't mortal. Without hesitation, the leader of the little group pulled out his own sword and charged at the stranger, his friends following. At the sight if the demigods, the guy with the sword retreated and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The girl turned around.

"You saved my life. Thank you." A blond boy stepped out of the group. "No problem, but what are you doing out here all alone?" She sighed. "I am on a mission, but that doesn't matter now. Where I come from we have a rule. If someone safes our lives, ask them to join the army." "Army?" The girl nodded. "Are you the leader?" The boy shook his head, and another spoke up, he had black hair and sea green eyes. "We don't have a lea-" A beautiful looking girl interrupted him. "That's nonsense. You are the leader. Live with it." The boy smiled. "Fine. But the blue cookies are still mine."

The caleidoscope-eyed girl chuckled. "Of course." The strange girl cleared her throat. "I am Kaya, by the way. Just thought you should know that."
"Jason." Introduced the blond boy himself.

Another blond boy said his name was Will, the beautiful girl was named Piper, a girl with a tiara on her head was Thalia, and a boy with dark hair was Nico. The leader introduced himself as Percy. Kaya nodded. "I will call the leader of our army and than we can explain everything and if you want, you can join the Chaos army."

Piper POV:

Reyna and I had become good friends after the hole kill-the-evil-eath-goddess-who-wants-to-destroy-earth-and-that-makes-no-sense-because-she-would-destroy-herself thingy. (the name was Percy's idea, duh.)

"So, how is Camp Jupiter?" I asked, placing my arm around her shoulder. We sat in the council room, chatting about lost time.
Reyna smiled. "Good. But you've got some explaining to to. Where were you?" Jason sighed.

"Well, it all started... [*insert really long story about betrayal and what do I know*] and then we saved this girl, Kaya, and she brought us to Chaos, who offered us a position in his army. We accepted and became his warriors."

Reyna seemed to be deep in thoughts. "Is Percy with you? I've been worried about him."
"He came with us to earth, but went on a quest with Annabeth, Luke and Clarisse. Don't ask about that group constellation. But anyways, it seems like he forgave Annabeth."

I grinned. "Oh, he has. They had a very, very, hot moment." Jason cocked his eyebrows at me. "And you know that how?" I rolled my eyes. "Daughter of Aphrodite here." He blushed. "Oh, yeah sure." I laughed at his flushed face and bumped Reyna in the shoulder friendly. "Hey, Reyna, I though-" I stopped as I saw the large object Reyna was holding. "What is that?" She just shook her head. "I-I don't know. It just appeared out of nowhere. Like, right in my hands..."

Jason took the strange device out of Reyna's hand. "Is that a laptop?" He asked incredulously. Demigods and electric devices weren't best friends. "There is a note." He carefully opened the little paper and his fist clenched as his eyes scanned the sheet. "What does it say?"

Jason cleared his throat and read in a tight voice, "For all those who still think Perseus Jackson is a hero."
My eyes widened. Who would write something like that... and why? Reyna seemed shocked, but managed to choke out, "It's Percy, not Perseus."

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