Chapter ο

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A/N: The flashback is taking place two days after the last one(cross, nails, etc.)

Two days. It had been two days since she'd last seen her Seaweed Brain. Two days she had heard his screams. Two days she had heard his pained sobs. Two days she had been broken. The arena should have been too far away for her to even hear him, but somehow, sound travels differently in hell.

The door to her cell opened and her daily food and water was pushed inside. She waited until the door was closed again and began eating her bread, but she didn't touch the water. Annabeth had saved it all for Percy. If he would come back to her, no, when he comes back, he'd need it. She would feel his kiss again and see his sweet smile he wore only for her.

She closed her eyes as another scream reached her ears. Another scream from the lips of her boyfriend. It had been two long days already, wasn't it enough? She let the tears flow down as she heard the laughter of the monsters in front of her door, laughing at the pain Percy was feeling, at the torture he was going through. She laid her head against the wall and cried herself to sleep.

The creaking of the door woke her up. She rubbed her puffy eyes and yawned, but the tiredness was replaced with relief and anger as she saw who had entered her cell. Tartarus was dragging a half dead boy by his hair into her cell, as if the boy was not able to support his own weight.

She covered her mouth with her hand to stop a gaps from tearing through his lips. Percy looked awful. His face was ghostly pale, his cheeks stained with tears and his lips cracked from dehydration. His clothes were a bloody mess and Annabeth didn't even want to know how it looked beneath it. His hands were stained with dried blood and he couldn't stand on his own, his feet unable to hold him. His eyelids were half closed, those beautiful sea green eyes clouded in pain. He shook so badly, Annabeth feared he would shatter the second he touched solid ground.

"Percy," she whispered, her voice echoing through the cold prison. Tartarus smirked and jerked Percy's head up, so he had to look into the Pit's eyes. He wimphered, closing his eyes tightly. "I hope you learned your lesson, Jackson."

Tartarus let go of Percy's head and he fell on the ground, head first, making a dull sound. He groaned and Annabeth rushed forward and cuddled his head in her lap. "Shh," she cooed, brushing his black hair out of his eyes. He seemed to relax a little and the shaking eased. "It's okay Seaweed Brain. I am here. You are safe now. We are together." She listened as his breathing slowed. He had fallen asleep.

She balled her hands into fists and looked up to the primordial in front of her. "What. Did. You. Do?" She growled, her voice low, pronouncing every syllable. He raised an eyebrow. "I? Nothing much. I might have left him on the cross for those last two days and forgot to bring him food and water, but who cares. Oh, and I might have left the doors to the arena open, so maybe a few monsters paid him a... visit." He smirked. "Maybe."

She wanted to punch him in the face so badly right now, but Percy wimphered quietly in his sleep and she began whispering soothing words, ignoring Tartarus, until he finally left. "I am with you Percy. Don't worry."

Connor POV:

It was hilarious. Well, at least for the first two seconds, until Nico spotted us and began sending his skeletons to chase us down. These things can punsh, holy Hera.

Travis was still laughing his head off, while I tried to avoid getting killed by a mad son of Hades. The kid really didn't have any sense of humor. Pink looked good on him, even Will thought so, but Nico still chased us through the whole camp! Will laughed. "Chill, Neeks. I like your new hair colour. Pink is fancy." Nico blushed, but still shot us the I-am-so-going-to-kill-you-after-I-killed-Will-for-calling-me-Neeks look.

I sighed in relieve and ran to cabin eleven, Travis hot on my heels. "Did you see Nico's face? That was bombastic!" I doubled over, laughing so hard my ribs hurt. "Yeah, and the blush on his face!" We fell over laughing, almost not hearing the knock on the door. I calmed down enough to open the door.

The second I opened it, I tried to close it again, seeing the person standing in front of our cabin, but she put her foot in the doorway, her face as red as her hair. "I swear, if you draw a plastic hairbrush over my paintings ever again, I am going to hurt you. Do you understand?" Rachel threatened, eyes glistening dangerously. I nodded hastily and slammed the door in her face. I turned to my brother. "Let's buy her an appeasement present. This girl can be scary when she wants to be." He nodded, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "And I know exactly what we can buy her." He rubbed his hands in anticipation. "A blue plastic hairbrush."
"Brother, that is beautiful idea." We stared at each other for a moment and burst out laughing again, holding onto each other for support. I grinned. "Let's go! We need a blue plastic hairbrush." Rachel is so going to kill us.

A/N: Soo, I already said that I would write short chapters Mondays and Thursdays, and today is Monday, so yeah, a short chappy. I didn't really had any ideas, so it was more of a filler than a real chapter, but I like it. Who missed the Stoll brothers as much as I did in Hoo? Comment, vote, etc. Bye😁

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