Chapter ψ

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The primordial was mad. A part of his army had been destroyed by some half breeds from the Roman camp and someone was going to pay. Someone with sea green eyes and jet black hair.

Everything hurt. His limps, his back, his head, his throat, his chest. He didn't have the strength to even lift his head off the ground, not after he had used his powers to heal Annabeth (she had protested whole-heartily, so he had had to wait until she had been asleep). Tartarus had gone too far by hurting his Wise Girl, but he honestly, what could he do?

He was afraid, not just for his girlfriend no, also for himself. He had learned to fear the pit, leaned to show respect, even if it was forced. He dreaded the moment Tartarus would enter his cell again, taking him away for more of his fun.
He seemed to enjoy hearing Percy scream, making him beg.

Annabeth laid next to him, caressing his hair softly. "Shh," she cooed, kissing his head, "it's fine, we are together now." She didn't say he was safe, or okay, because being together was everything that counted. It was the only thing they had.

Steps could be heard from outside the door and his breath quickened. "N-not again, p-please Wise Girl, not again." She gripped his hand. "Hey, hey, I am here. I won't leave you. I promise," she whispered, her voice desperate, trying to soothe his fear.
The door opened and a furious looking primordial entered the cell. The boy wimphered and clinged onto his girlfriend.

"I am not in a good mood girl, so go back to your corner." She squeezed the boy's hand and shook her head. "I am not going to leave him. Ever." Tartarus snarled and grabbed Annabeth's hair and forced her away from her boyfriend. "A-anna... Annabeth!" He tried to hold on to her, but Tartarus stepped on his wrists hard, braking it.
He let a suppressed scream escape his lips as he pressed his hand to his chest, trying to block out the searing pain.

"L-leave him alone!" Annabeth sounded pained. She was fighting tooth and nail against her captor. Tartarus slapped her with enough force for her to crash against one of the walls, her head hitting the concrete. She fell motionless to the ground, a pool of blood forming around her.

"N-no, Wise Girl," whimpered Percy, his voice was hoarse and full of fear. "You should worry more about yourself than the girl," growled Tartarus and Percy tried to crawl away weakly, but the primordial gripped his throat and squeezed tightly.

Percy trashed in the vice-like grip, trying to get any oxygen into his lungs. Cold fear settled down in his bones as he still couldn't breath, the grinning face of Tartarus blurring as tears trickled down his face.
His lungs were on fire and he clawed at Tartarus' hand, but the primordial just tightened his grip on Percy's throat.

Just before Percy fell unconscious, Tartarus eased his grip on him and air filled Percy's lungs again. He cought and took shallow, hasty breaths.
"Is something wrong, Perseus?"
The demigod shook his head and curled into a ball. "We talked about this, Perseus. Respect."
Percy sniffled and closed his eyes. "N-no, nothing is wrong... My Lord."
Tartarus grinned. "Better."
He looked down on the cowering boy.

Tartarus wasn't exactly angry anymore, but this was fun and didn't want to stop. He grabbed Percy's shoulder and pressed it to the ground, his back facing him. Chains shot out of the ground and wrapped around the son of Poseidon's wrists, ankles and head.
Percy fought against it, but he was already weakened. He didn't stand a chance.
A cruel grin played on Tartarus's lips as he pulled out a dagger. "Stay will, I don't want to miss," he whispered into his prisoner's ear. "Miss? M-miss wha-"

Realisation drawned on his face as Tartarus brushed the blade against a certain spot on Percy's back.
"N-no, please! Don't do this! I will do anything, j-just don't, please!" His desperate screams were cut of by Tartarus stabbing the dagger deep into his old Achilles spot.

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