Chapter ι

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The raven black hair of the boy was coated in blood. His breathing was ragged. The girl next to him was bloody too, barely able to stay conscious, but she didn't care. All that mattered to her was the broken form of her boyfriend. She wouldn't let him near the green eyed boy anymore, she couldn't. She would protect Percy, had to, because he was no longer in any condition to do so himself.

Rattling from keys was audible outside their cell. The boy wimphered in fear of what was to come. His girlfriend squeezed his hand tightly. "I will protect you. I promise," she whispered as the door opened to reveal the thing that had hurt her boyfriend. He smirked. "I see my little toy hasn't recovered from our last game yet. A pity. Well then we will just take the girl."

"N-no," every breath hurt like a knife, stabbing his throat, but he wouldn't let the girl get hurt. Not his Wise Girl. "Percy, you are half dead," she choked on her words. "Let me take it. Please." He tried to shake his head, but cried out in pain. The torturer of the couple laughed at the anguish in those sea green eyes. He stepped forward and the boy retreated as much as he could with his broken ribs. He wimphered as Tartarus placed a hand on his arm. The saviour of Olympus squeezed his eyes shut. "Remember the rules, Jackson. I say what happens and you will take it. If I say I take the girl, I will take her." To underline his words he twisted the younger boys arm and it broke with a crack. The son of Poseidon opened his mouth in a silent scream. His eyes shot open, just to roll into the back of his head, leaving his girlfriend alone with the evil being.

Clarisse POV:

I really wasn't expecting Annabeth to ask me to join her on this quest. She had said I should go with her, Percy and Luke, since I was one of the people that hadn't betrayed him. Percy and I had just tried to kill each other, like a thousand times, but hey, join us on our journey, which could take a year.
I am sure nothing is going to happen. And Annabeth was supposed to be a daughter of Athena? But she was right about one thing: I hadn't betrayed Percy. Will and I hadn't been in camp when it all happen. We had been on a quest, and we had met Percy and the others in New York. A great city. Will went with them to be with Nico and to my surprise, Percy asked me if I wanted to join them, but I couldn't leave Chris, so I declined.

And now the worriors had returned to earth. They had all revealed their identities to the cabin counselors. I had slapped Luke and Ethan and hugged Silena to death. Katie had slapped Luke, too. Who would have thougt that girl could punch so hard? I can't beieve I hugged Prissy. How embarrasing!

I currently stood in the big house, waiting for the other three to arrive. Constellation, Arrow and Diana had left the hunters momentarily to aid in the war and had come to camp. They had come to the big house, as had the other warriors and cabin counselors. The door opened to revealed Chiron, Percy, Annabeth and Luke. Percy and Annabeth were holding hands, smiling slightly. I rolled my eyes at their lovey-dovey actions and fake-vomited, earning a playful glare from Percy. Chiron cleared his throat. "Heroes, Annabeth, Clarisse, Alpha and Omega will leave to find princess Universe, the daughter of Chaos. They have to go to Alaska, the land beyond the gods. We don't know her exact location, but we could already figure out that she has to be somewhere near a waterfall. I wish you good luck, you will need it. Zoë, Bianca and Thalia will return to the hunt and guard the woods around Camp half-blood. The other warriors will help protect the camp and if they agree, can stay in their parents' cabins."
"We are fine with sleeping by our siblings and we would like to train them," answered Piper. Chiron thought about it for a minute before he nodded. "I think that is a good idea. You and Jason can go to Camp Jupiter, so they can be trained as well. Everyone in favor raise their hands." Nobody had their hands down.

"Good, now that we clarified that, let's come to the next point of this meeting. The gods agreed to fight if Tartarus shows up on the battlefield." Excited shatter rose around the Ping-Pong table. We had an actual chance to survive, now that the gods had decided to aid us in this war and if we'd manage to free the princess, we could actually win. I grinned. Chiron stomped his hoof. "Silence! Percy, Annabeth, Luke and Clarisse will leave immediatly. The gods will flash them to Los Angelos, from where they'll start their journey."

We said bye to everyone and I stood up to leave, the others following close behind. My things stood on Half-blood hill, where I grabbed them and sighed at the thought of another war. We turned to looked at the straberry fiels, the cabins and the arena. It will be a long time 'till I can see my home again. "I will come back," I promised as a bright light engulfed me, my friends and Luke, sending us to L. A.

Jason POV:

I watched as Clarisse, Annabeth, Luke and Percy disappeared. I was worried about Percy. He had an injuried wrist and leg. It may have healed, but I knew him well enough to see the pain in his eyes. On top of that, he hadn't told Clarisse and Luke about the dreams and if he wanted it to stay that way, he should think of one hell of a good excuse, because it isn't normal to wake up bleeding because a primordial god wants revenge.

"You okay, Superman?" I turned to see Leo looking at me. "Yeah, sure. Why do you ask?"
"Because my best friend is looking out into space, not noticing that his sister is about to leave."

I blushed sheepishly. Thalia stood near cabin eight, next to her two sisters and a twelf year old girl. Artemis. I ran over to them and hugged Thalia. "I will miss you, Thals. Don't die, little sis." She raised an eyebrow. "Last time I checked I was older." I shook my head. "You are stuck in the body of a sixteen year old and I was made immortal with twenty, so technically, I am older." She laughed. "Sure, Sparky."

I looked at Con and Arrow. "You will keep her safe?" They nodded and I chuckled at the offended face of my sister. "I can watch after myself! Pft. As if I needed someone to protect me." I hugged her a second time, shutting her up and whispering, "I know."
Artemis placed a hand on her shoulder and with one last smile, she was gone, somewhere in the wild hunting monsters.

I sighed. Seperated again. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and looked into the beatiful eyes of Piper McLean. "Hey." She smiled. That smile only I would get. Sweet and caring, but at the same time provocately and claiming me as hers. "We have to leave to Camp Jupiter. Me, you and a bunch of romans. What could possibly go wrong?" I smirked, brushing a strand of hair behind her ears. "Who said I will take you with me?" A wicked grin formed on her face. "I will just have to convince you." She leand forward and kissed me, gently and only for a second before she pulled back again. "Noo. Come back," I whined and she grinned, turning away from me demonstratively. "After we arrive at Camp Jupiter." I sighed in defeat. "Fine, but I want more then just a kiss if I take you with me." She grinned again. "Don't get outrageous." I nodded hastly. She could be scary if she wanted to.

I took her hand and led her to the protal created as a way between the two camps. I squeezed Piper's hand and together we stepped through it.
As I opened my eyes again, a warm feeling filled my body. This wasn't my home anymore, but it was the place where I had met Reyna, where I had become Preator, my first family after the Wolf house and where I was hit with a brick in the eye. Okay, so maybe that wasn't a good memory, but hey. Shit happens. My smile grew wider as I saw the girl running toward us. "I thought you were dead!" She embraced us in a tight hug. "Not yet, Reyna, not yet."

Thalia POV:

The arrow hit the target in the bull eye. I smiled. "Very good," said a voice behind me. My smiled widened. "Thank you, Lady Artemis." The goddes squeeze my shoulder and left to train the other hunters. I was about to shoot another arrow as a loud roar echoed through the woods, louder then Mrs. O'Leary's.

A/N: I was so sad that Clarisse wasn't even mentioned in Hoo, so I will write a lot about her. She is just soooooo cool. I like her. Bye🤗

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