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Percy's POV:

This was my third war. I had seen hundreds of deaths, most of them my own people, my own friends. I had seen Romans, Greeks and mortals die, you'd think I would be used to it... I'm not. I doubt anyone can, really.

In the end, the battle didn't last long. That may be surprising, but with Tartarus breaking the ancient rule of staying unbiased, Chaos had taken it upon himself to unleash hell upon... well, Hell.

Alex, Fenja and Arallana had clashed in a battle of unimaginable power, tearing down half the forest while battling out their old feuds. It had taken everything they had, but Alex had been put down. I didn't know if it felt like victory for the two girls though, I knew first hand what it felt like to put down someone you once called friend, after all.

Jason, unsurprisingly, had made quick work of Seer, whose head was still missing (I suppose an angry son of Jupiter is not someone you want on your tail).

And while it took us weeks to rebuild our home (and man, did I miss the feeling of calling Camp Half-blood my home), it all settled down in the end. Lord Chaos granted us Chaos Soldiers a deleportation device, as means of staying in contact, if for emergency back-up, quick catch-up with friends or just as a thank you, we appreciated it greatly.

And I? Well, I was back home, Annabeth in my arms, waving good-bye to Hazel and Frank, who were on their way back to Camp Jupiter, to rejoice their homecoming with their own people.

I kissed Annabeth's cheek. "Let's go, Wise Girl." She nodded, ran her fingers through my hair in an almost melancholic manner, and let me pull her to her feet.

Things were still not perfect, far from it, really, there was still hurt deep in my heart, but if there was one thing I knew about me, it's that I am stubborn. So, no matter what they said under the influence of the enemy, I could work through it, with the help of the people I love.

This is not how I originally planned to end this story, but I really lack the motivation to finish (like, I started this years ago, I don't even write in first person anymore). I will maybe rewrite this, but who knows, for now, it's finished.

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