Chapter π

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How can a son of Poseidon drown? Is he even able to drown? Yes, yes he is. Even hours after he had been thrown back into his cell, he sat shivering in the corner, hugging his knees and ignoring everything. Ignoring the laughter from outside the door, ignoring the girl trying to comfort him, asking what was wrong, what had happened to him.

He just sat there, afraid of falling asleep, not able to control his breathing. He wanted out. Out, out, out. "A-annabth." He choked on his words, not able to control his breathing. The grey eyed girl embraced him as tears started to flow down his cheeks and he began to hyperventilate, not able to control his breathing.

He had drowned. They had drowned him. Not in misery, not in fear, not in blood. No, he had drowned in water and now he was not able to control his damn breathing.
"I am always with you Seaweed Brain, remember that." He snuggled further into his girlfriend. The only person he trusted at the moment. His heart, his oxygen. His breathing slowed down. He controlled it. He was still afraid, but he wasn't alone, alone in the cold world, where even his own domain couldn't protect him. He had his anchor. His Wise Girl. His Annabeth.

Zoë POV:

I still had to chuckle about the whole Lamia thing. Who knew Bianca could be so mean?
I was currently walking towards Thalia's tent. I smiled at the sight of the silver gleaming tent, the tent where I used to stay. I had to admit that I was slightly jealous of Thalia. The perfect daughter of Zeus, lieutenant of the hunters of Artemis, but I had soon learned that she was doing a great job and we'd become good friends. I didn't bother to knock, since there was no door (A/N: How can you knock at a tent door?).
"Thals?" She sat on her bed, a shocked expression on her face, staring at the fading pieces of an Iris-Massage. "Thalia? What's wrong?" She gulped and stared at me, looking for words. "Jason just send an I-M. Piper was kidnapped."
How was that even possible? Piper may be a daughter of Aphrodite, but she was a warrior and a powerful one at that. How could someone kidnap her? "I was thinking the same things." I frowned. Had I said that out loud? "Did I say that out loud?" She nodded.
"What did Jason say exactly?"
She lowers her gaze. I sat down next to her and squeezed her shoulder. "It wasn't your fault." She clenched her fists. "I know that in my head, but my heart says I should have been there."
I sighed. "Blaming ourselves won't help Piper, so explain to me what exactly happened." Thalia smiled slightly at me and took a deep breath. "Jason said he was talking to Annabeth about Pe-things, and then he heard screams and ran to look what was happening. A man in some strange mask stood on the hill, and he said his name was Seer. He kidnapped Piper and it wasn't just because he needed a warrior or demigod. Jason said he was specifically after Piper. Why was he after Piper?" I shook my head. "I don't know it. I am so-"

My words were cut of by Clary, who entered the tent. she was a new hunters with bright red hair. "Hellhounds were spotted near the camp. Lady Artemis wants us all outside." I nodded my head and she left. "Let's go Thals. We can't do anything right now."
"Fine, but we will save."
"Of course we will. She is one of us, after all."

It was dark outside, but I asked the stars to shine a little bit brighter and light flooded the clearing. I was strongest at night with my new powers. Chaos had given us some cool powers, but they were all related to our life, or in my case, death.

Thalia looked questioningly at me. "Did you just made it brighter?" She sounded so surprised I almost laughed. Thalia wasn't often with us soldiers, so she didn't knew all of our powers. "I have a bond with the stars. I asked them to lighten our way." She nodded slowly. "That. Is. So. Cool! What else can you do?" I grinned. "You will see."

The bushes rustled and I notched an arrow, my senses working on highspeed. My sight was great at night, so I didn't have problems noticing the dark shapes of hellhounds surrounding us. "Hunters, on the trees, shoot as soon as you can get a clear shot." Artemus was in her leader mode, the friendly, joking goddess gone. I gripped my bow thighter and stopped Thalia on her way toward an old pine tree. How ironic. "Thals, they sorrounded us, we have to lure them away, or else there will be a bloodbath." She nodded. "How? We can't just attack them, that would be suicide."
An idea formed in my head, and I grinned. "You wanted to  know what powers I have, didn't you?" A grin played on her lips as well and she nodded. I looked around. The hunters were nowhere to be seen, hidden in the trees, just Lady Artemis stood in the clearing, watching us with curious eyes. "You have to distract the monsters for a minute." "Sure." She walked up to Artemis and whispered something to her. The goddess nodded her head and joined me as I climed on one of the many trees. Thalia raised her bow and notched an arrow. She aimed it on one of the beasts in the woods. Then, she narrowed her eyes and released the arrow. A pained roar filled the air, followed by hundreds of angry howls. The hellhounds attacked, ready to tear Thalia apart piece by piece. 

The girl sighed. She was tired. Tired of the hunger, tired of the thirst, tired of the pain. She grittened her teeth as the boy she used to call brother punched her in the gut. "Why are you doing this Alex?" He grinned. "Power, Lana. We could have ruled the universe, but your heart is poisoned with the thought of following rules, not making them."

He punshed her again and she gapsed at the stinging pain in her stomach. She looked down to see fresh blood running down her T-shirt (or what was left of it). She watched as Alex put the hidden knife back into his belt, his pointy ears sticking out of his hair. She had always been jealous of the ears marking him as a Fae. Fenja had had the same ears, while Arallana's were like human's, just a bit more pointed than the average peoples' ears. Normal. Boring and normal.

"You should just cooperate. I don't want to hurt you, but I will, if you don't tell us what we want to know." I shook my head. "How often do I have to tell you that I don't know how to wake him. Just leave me alone and go back to your master like the coward you are," I spat and his ears turned a nice shade of red. I laughed, but it turned into fits of coughting as he kicked my stomach. I groaned. Idiot. Why had I ever trusted him?

"You will talk, Lana. Just wait, we will find a way."
"Don't call me Lana, that's princess Arallana for you." She normally hated to do that, letting others know who she was, using her title to subjugate people, but she hated Alex. His betrayel had hurt her more than any physical pain she had had to endure so far and she would let him feel the same pain once she had gotten out of these god forsaken power-blocking chains. He snarled and walked away from her, turning around at the threshold, saying, "You won't last much longer, princess. These chains are killing you and you know that. Just give up and tell us what we want to know."


A/N: Soo, another chapter. What do you think will happen to Thalia? Will I let her die? Tell me what you think. Comment, vote, etc. Bye😁

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