Chapter ζ

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Alpha POV:

Arrow stepped forward confidently. Her dark, almost black hair was braided tightly and draped over her shoulder, her dark almond eyes examining the Olympians. She looked like I imagined a queen, a deadly, but beautiful queen. She smirked. "I'm going to reveal myself, but if one of you tries to kill me, I will send you to my father the hard way."
"To your father?" Asked Zeus suspiciously. "Do you mean Hades?"
She cackled and played with her hunting knife mockingly. I almost laughed at the scared face of Aphrodite and saw that Artemis was trying to contain her laughter too. I almost forgot she knew our identities already.
"Yeah. Hades is my dad. The awesome god of awesomeness." She laughed and pulled down her hood. The gods gaped at her, while Hades broke into fits of laugher himself (it was a strange sound). "T-their faces. You scared them to death. H-hilarious. Bianca di Angelo, I taught you well." Bianca was rolling on the floor laughing, trying to get air into her lungs. Zeus looked furious. I, once again, had to contain my laughter. That guy just had the most hilarious reactions.

"Hades! Did you know your daughter was alive?" The god of the underworld rolled his eyes. "Of course. I do realise when souls vanish from the underworld, y'know."
"Do not speak to me in that tone!"
"If you thickhea-"

Before a real fight could break out, Omega interrupted the two. "You two can kill and insult each other later, but know it's time for the next one to reveal herself." A figure in  pink and green walked up to Bianca and they switched places.
"I'm making this short. In the army, I'm known as Charm, sixth in command, but my real name is Piper McLean." She pulled down her hood and was immediately pulled into a hug by Aphrodite, who cried her eyes out once again. Piper patted her back and whispered, "Hey mom. I heard what you said to Silena. Don't loose hope. I'm back, and I won't go 'till the war is over, which could take a while." Aphrodite nodded and smiled. "I love you Piper. Always remember that." The goddess seemed to grow younger in a matter of seconds. If I think about it, all the gods looked different from what I remembered, Poseidon the most. He looked about as old as he really was, eyes puffy and red. He was gripping something in his hand tightly. A pen?

"What the hell happened to Poseidon?" I whispered to Healer, nodding at the ancient being. "It's Percy. He just left, without saying goodbye. How would you feel as his father?" I looked at Omega. He was tense, his hands clenched into fists. I couldn't blame him. I was nervous too. Will tipped my shoulder. "It's Constellations time. I bet she is going to insult them." I chuckled silently. Con had the habit to insult everyone she met, god or not. She stood in her white hood, arms crossed defiantly, staring challenging of the gods.

"I think that all of you, Lady Artemis excluded, are idiotic and stupid and male, I mean seriously Zeus, you are a brat, Hades, you really don't enlighten my day, and no Apollo, neither do you. Hermes, stealing isn't nice and could get you arrested, Ares, you are a stubborn prick with anger issues, but Omega said I had to show respect, so 'hi'. Nice seeing you again." She waved awkwardly and Bianca snickered next to me. "My name is Constellation, but my friends call me Con, you shouldn't speak to me at all. I'm fifth in command and before I was known as Zoë Nightshade."
She pulled down her hood. Artemis winked at her, while the other Olympians were red-faced, thanks of the insults she threw at them. She turned around and walked, her head held high, back to us, a smug grin playing on her lips.

The warriors laughed at the flabbergasted looks on the gods' faces. Zeus was the most ridiculous (again). He had literally steam coming out of his ears. Ghost stepped up next. "Before we start WW III, I will reveal myself. I'm the fourth in command. I go by Ghost, but my real name is Nico di Angelo." Hades smiled at his son and hugged him. Nico hugged him back and after two awkward minutes (seeing the both awkward and usually not-touchy people hug was strange but touching), he joined his sister in the shadows, his black hood making him almost invisible. Zeus was angry, but kept his mouth shut. He had had two children himself, so he couldn't very well say anything against the diAngelo siblings. "Next," he thundered, a forced smile on his face.

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