Chapter φ

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"You have to leave, don't you?"
The girl with spiky black hair nodded. "I am sorry, Jason, but I am a hunter. I have no other choice." Her brother smiled sadly. "Be careful out there." She snort. "When am I not?"
"Do I have to answer that one?"
She shook her head and smiled. "Guess not." With a sigh, she said, "I will miss you." He blinked tears out of his eyes and embraced his sister in a tight hug. "If you die, I will bring you back only to kill you again." She raised an eyebrow. "You know that I could easily defeat you?"
He gapsed in fake hurt and challenged, "Next time we see each other, we will have a fight, with powers and everything. We can ask the other children of the Big Three to come, too. Then we will see who is the strongest." She grinned wickedly. "Deal."

Jason POV:

I am so dead. Thalia is one thing, but when Percy is worried about a friend, you better not stand in his way and I idiot forgot to tell him Piper had been kidnapped. Great. But first, my lovely sister. While Reyna had asked if I'd told Percy, I also realised I should update Thalia. I sighed and throw the drachma into the shimmering rainbow.

"Oh Iris, show me Thalia Gr- just Thalia with the Hunters of Artemis."
Thalia appeared on the other side of the I-M. She held a drachma in her hand. "Hey, Thals. Who did you wanna call?" She grinned. "My dear old baby brother." I frowned. "If you call me old and then say that I am your baby brother, would't that mean you are ancient?"

She opened and closed her moouth like a fish. "We... we will talk about that later. Why did you call?" I bit my lip nervously and sighed. "News on Pipes. Turns out she is with Universe. Percy's team will find her, I just have to tell them that she was kidnapped and is with the princess."

She laughed disbelievingly. "You didn't tell them yet? Percy is so going to kill you."
"I know," I whined, running a hand through my hair. "I just have to hope that Percy will be more mercyful when he comes back." She nodded and got serious again. "Tell me more later, we've got a problem. The hunt was attacked, and no, no one is hurt, don't worry, but they left a note. Camp Half-blood will be attacked in two days. We will be there tomorrow. You have to come back, too."

I nodded, fear letting my hands shake. The monsters would't leave a note if they weren't a hundred percent sure they would win. How many half-bloods will have to die that day? The monsters will just regenerate, but we... No, we will stay dead.

"The Romans will come. I will ask Reyna to take two legions with her. I'll see you in camp and then I can tell you more about Piper. Maybe you shouldn't tell Bianca and Zoë the news just yet. I will tell them tomorrow myself, okay?"
"Fine. Miss you." I smiled. "Miss you, too." I swiped my hand through the rainbow and sighed again. Time to call my cousin.

The air shimmered and Percy appeard, looking sleepy. He stood next to Luke and a girl with blond hair. I turned my attention back to Percy and Luke, ignoring the stranger for now. They seemed to be fighting. "...if you can't forgive me, or trust me, or if you don't like me, but you don't have to show it this much." Percy's eyes narrowed and Jason opened his mouth, not sure what to say. "You almost killed me, Luke," continued Percy, looking pissed. "My life was a mess without you trying to take over the world. You ruined every chance I had to live a normal life. I was twelve for gods sake and you left me in the woods to die! You didn't even stayed with me no, you just walked away. Do you know what that does to a person? I was afraid. I didn't want to die." He took a shaky breath. "I don't just don't like you, I hate you."

I swiped my hand through the massage in panic and leaned against the cold wall. What the hell was that? They hadn't had noticed me and I was greatful for that, but I wanted answers. When did Luke leave him to die? I knew what had happened during the second Titan war. Luke's betrayal and how he had sacreficed himself in the end, but Annabeth, Percy and the others didn't really talk about it much. But what I really wanted to know more. I sighed deeply. Maybe I should contact Annabeth. I fished another drachma out of my pocket and created a rainbow. (A/N: Just pretend he and Percy are able to do that with their powers, Jason just needs water and Percy sunlight.)

"Oh Iris, sorry for asking again, but could you show me Annabeth Chase, please?" I could have sworn I heard a sigh coming from the rainbow, but it rippled and Annabeth appeared. She sat on a bed and had her eyes closed. "Annabeth?" She opened her grey eyes and smiled. Grey met blue. I was still pissed, because of what she had done to Percy, but it wasn't her fault, not entirely. "Jason?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. I have to tell you something." I took a deep breath and chewed on my bottom lip nervously. "Piper was... kidnapped, but we know she is with that princess you're looking for, so it would be nice if you could save her, too... Oh, and when did Luke leave Percy to die, and please don't kill me." I hold my breath as she realised what I had said.

"You know that I will kill you when we come back, right?" I nodded hastly. Gods, she was scary. "We will find Piper, but you should hide when we get back, because I will tell Percy about this and he is so going to kill you. Slowly and painfully." I took a sharp breath and bit my lip. Man, she was terrifying. "Could I at least know more about that blond girl, before I die?"

She made a thinking face and nodded. "Sure, why not. That is Fenja and she is the half sister of our lost princess. She is a Fae and has a brother named Alex. Universe's real name is Arallana and Luke knew her. They were friends, but I suspect they were more than just friends." "Wait, are you saying they were a couple? As in girlfriend and boyfriend?" She rolled her eyes. "Yes, that is what I am saying. I thi-"

A scream interrupted her sentence. We looked at each other for a moment before she stood up and ran out of the room. I sighed and ended the message.

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