Chapter χ

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All she felt was pain. Her body was on fire and her lungs were burning.
She knew exactly why he did this to her. He wanted to hurt him mentally, not really Tartarus' style, but it worked.

Her seaweed brain was hurting, because she was too weak to withstand what was inflicted upon her. She barely had the time to take another breath, before her head went under the water again.

Annabeth trashed around, but she had no strength left, a bone deep tiredness was seeping into her very being. Just before she fell unconscious, she was lifted up again. She sputtered and cought the water out of her lungs.

"Oh, Perseus? Why aren't you helping your little girlfriend. She can't do this any longer," cooed the Pit and Annabeth was about to spat that she could in fact do this, but her head was pushed under the surface again and she screamed into the clear liquid.

Her tears mixed with the water and she could hear the muffled laugher from her torturer and the screams from her boyfriend, begging for him to stop.
Slowly, everything faded into blackness, and the burning in her lungs subsided. She went limp and let the darkness take her away.

Percy watched in horror as his Wise Girl stopped moving. Tartarus pulled her head out of the water and let her limp body fall to the ground. "Why are you called a hero, Perseus? You can't even save the person you love from your own domain."
My heart clenched and fear rushed through my veins. I couldn't take my eyes off of Annabeth's unmoving form.

"Is she d-dead?" Tartarus shook his head. "Just unconscious. I won't be the one to kill her. I will let you do it. One day, you will kill her to save your own skin. Believe it or not."
The boy looked at his tormentor wide eyed. He would never ever do that. Not even if he would have to stay in this hell hole forever. This was his Wise Girl they were talking about after all, but Tartarus knew that, so what was making him so sure?

"Why... why couldn't I control the water?" Tartarus grinned. "The chains. Polybotes helped me a little and we managed to cut off your powers through them."

My breath quickened as realisation dawned on me. They had managed to create chains that cut off my powers. And... if I couldn't control water, was I able to... breath in it? Could I heal myself with it? Could I heal Annabeth?
Tartarus laughed at my fear. "No, sea spawn, you can't and I am going to make you fear your own domain more than anything else. You will learn that nothing will save you from me." With that happy note he left, leaving Percy with his blacked-out girlfriend, alone in a cold cell in the depths of Tartarus.

Annabeth POV:

I really wasn't expecting this. I didn't expect this at all.
Monsters? Sure.
Titans? If it has to be.
But this? No way, no thanks with a cherry on top.
Whoever was responsible for this should run.

Laughing next to me stood my idiotic boyfriend. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Please don't tell me you did this." He shook his head and whistled innocently, clapsing his hands behind his back. "Me? No, I would never."

I turned my gaze back to the problem outside the little hut. Clarisse stood there, wearing make-up and a pink princess dress, her hair curled and in a high ponytail.
She was red-faced and seething with anger. "JACKSON!!! I swear to the gods, I will kill you! I will rip your damn spine out of your damn body and eat it, you hear me! You're dead!" She was growling like an angry animal, looking down at herself. "Where the hell did you even get that stupid dress from?"
Percy grinned. "A really nice Aphrodite girl helped me. Black hair, girlfriend of Charles Beckendorf, rings a bell?"

I had to admit, I had a hard time keeping from laughing myself. Clarisse really looked strange in all the tulle and silk. How was she able to walk in those shoes? Clarisse clenched her fists. "I defenitifly have to talk to Silena about this, but first thing first. When I get out if this dress, I want a fight and you'll be my puching bag. Got it?"

I couldn't prevent myself from laughing out loud anymore as I saw the fake-scared look on Percy's face. "Let's talk about this, sweet-cheeks, all right?" Clarisse looked ready to explode, when someone laughed behind me.

Luke and Fenja stood in the doorway and Luke was laughing his head off (of course he was). He doubled over and clutched his stomach. "W-what the heck are you wearing?" Clarisse stomped her foot. "Ask Prissy." Luke raised an eyebrow and turned to Percy. "Where did you get the dress from?"
"Ask Clarisse. She knows."
He grinned. "Okay. Later. So, what are we doing now?" Clarisse snort. "I will get out of this dress and then I'll beat up Prissy over there." I shook my head. "No, we're going to look for a train to Yellowstone." I turned to Fenja. "You okay?"
"Sure. Just a bit tired, that's all. Why don't we split up to find that train? The boys in one group, the girls in another."

Percy and Luke looked like they wanted to protest, but Fenja winked at me and I grinned, nodding my head. She had a plan.

"Fine. Luke, Percy, you go now while Fenja and I wait for Clarisse to change." Percy clenched his fists. "But-"
"No buts. Go, now! We will meet here in three hours again." He lowered his head in defeat and I smirked victorusly. I watched as he and Luke disappeared in the distance. I turned to Fenja and Clarisse. "Get out of that dress, Clarisse." She nodded and went inside.

"What are you up to?" I asked Fenja, raising an eyebrow at her. She shrugged. "If we want to safe my sister, Percy and Luke have to trust each other. You know the prophecy, right?" My eyes narrowed. I did, but she shouldn't. "How do you know about the prophecy?"
"A few things should be left unsaid for now. Wait 'till the time is right."
I grittened my teeth. I hated that she was keeping me in the dark. I was the plan maker, but I needed to know all the details. "I wan-"
"We can go now." I turned around and nodded at Clarisse, who was back in normal clothes. I glanced at Fenja for a second and nodded. I could ask her later. "Okay, let's go. We don't want the boys to find the train before us, do we?" Little did I know that it would be a long time before I'd see my Seaweed Brain again (or Luke, for that matter).
A/N: Soo, I am very sorry I took so long, but I just hadn't had any ideas. What do you think will happen? Why won't Annabeth see Percy again?
Comment, vote, etc. Bye 😋

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