Chapter υ

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(A/N: This flashback takes place at the beginning of 'The Son of Neptune')

Reyna was desperate. Jason had been missing for a week now and she had to rule the camp alone. And a new camper, led here by a goddess, the queen of the gods of all gods, was not helping.

Why did she feel so attract to him? Percy Jackson. She had met him on Circe's island before, together with a pfaun and a gorgeous girl. She should hate him, but for some reason, she didn't.

"Preator?" She looked up and saw Nico diAngelo standing in front of her. "Nico. What is it?" She hated to admit it, but the boy creeped her out. He sighed. "It's about the new boy." Reyna narrowed her eyes and stood from the chair. This was getting more and more interesting. "You know him." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. He nodded.

"And that Juno brought him here isn't good. She is messing with ancient rules." Reyna gulped. "The gods know what they do. You shouldn't question their actions." He laughed humorlessly and crossed his arms. "First of all, I don't think that Juno talked about that with the other gods and I have all rights to question them. We are the ones that fight for them and die for them. You should hear Percy sometimes. He is a natural friendly person, but when he talkes to the gods, he's incedibe. You should have seen their faces after he declined godhood."

He covered his mouth and face-palmed. "I have said too much."
"He did what?! Why did the gods offered him godhood in the first place? And why on earth would he decline it?!"

He grinned devilishly. "Can't tell, sorry. I am sure he will tell you when he gets his memorys back." I thought about the way Nico talked about Percy and the gods, and realised something: "You know the reason he is here for."

He scratched the back of his head. "I have my suspicions, but I don't know anything for sure." I nodded. "I won't tell anyone about our talk and I am sure you know more than you say and I guess I just have to trust you here, but if you know anything about Jason th-" He interrupted me harshly. "I don't know where Jason is, but I think he is where Percy came from and the people there are way friendlier than all of you, so he is in better hands than Percy at the moment. If anyone were to find out who Percy really is, he would be in serious danger, so you won't tell anyone, because I swear to the gods that I will kill Jason if Percy gets hurt." He spun around and stormed out the hall.

Reyna was shocked. Hell, she was more than just shocked. No one had ever talked to her like that and she had never seen Nico act like this. He normally stays by himself, the only person he talked to was his sister, Hazel. Percy had to mean a lot to him, maybe more than most people realise.

Reyna POV:

Piper had been kidnapped. I still couldn't believe it. Jason was a mess.
"Jason, we will get her back. I promise." He took a shaky breath. "How? We don't know where she is or what Seer is planning on doing to her. We don't even know his identity." I ran a hand through my hair, my fingers catching in the long braid. He was right. How were we supposed to find her?

"Maybe I can help with that." I spun around, pointing my sword at the speaker. "You are a ghost," I realised, frowning in confusion. What was a ghost doing here? How did a ghost even get here? The shadowy figure laughed. "Not exactly. I am a projection, a hologram. It strains my powers, so I don't have much time. I know where your missing friend is."

Jason tensed. "You do? Where? Is she okay?" Nodding, the holographic girl crossed her arms. "As okay as she can be, but you won't find her, not on your own. She is held captive in the same place I am and no one has found me in the last three years."

Jason's eyes widened and he glanced at me. Did he know something I didn't? "Wait? Did you say three years? You aren't... are you?" He let the question hang in the air. I cocked my eyebrows at him. Was she who? And why couldn't Jason just say it, whatever 'it' was.

"Yes, I am. Luke and his little group are already on their way to find me and if they suceed, they will find your precious Piper, too." My head spun. Too much facts with not enough background information. "Wait, time out. I don't get it. Who are you?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I am Universe, daughter of Chaos." My eyes widened. She was the lost princess everyone was looking for. She was young, maybe fifteen. Jesus, why did everyone had to be so young? War should be led by the adults.

"Why didn't you project yourself to your father and tell him where you are?" I asked. She clenched her fists. "I can't. Tartarus is holding me captive and will realise what I am doing in around three minutes, so I really don't have much time and like I've said before, it drains my strengh. I can do this only once in like, three years while I'm attached to these damn chains, and I needed to wait for the right moment. You have to focus on the upcoming war. Trust Luke, Perseus, Annabeth and Clarisse to find me and Piper and concentrate on staying alive."

I nodded my head. I didn't like it, but it sounded reasonable. "Of cours, your Majesty." She rolled her eyes. "Just call me Arallana, all those formalities are not really my kind of thing." I nodded again. At least her ego wasn't as big as some other immortals' she had met.

Jason walked towards the hologram. "Thank you. It really means a lot to me to hear that Piper is alive. Please keep her as safe as you can." She smiled faintly. "I will do my best."
"Thank you. And by the way, it's Percy, not Perseus. You should propably know that if you want to work with him." She laughed slightly, her image flickering for a moment. "He said the same thing."

I frowned. "When di-" I hadn't had the time time to finish my sentence as her image flickered omce more and disappeared. I looked at Jason. "When did she speek to Percy?" He shrugged. "Don't know, but she's Chaos' daughter, she'll have her ways." I nodded. "She probably contacted him somehow."
"Yeah, possible it is."
"You talk like Yoda."
He gapsed in mock hurt and clasped a hand over his heart. "Do not." I raised my eyebrow. "Yes, you do. Don't deny it. We should do as she said. Concentrate on the war. We have to contact Percy's team and tell them what we've figured out. Do they even know about Piper's kidnapping?"
Jason paled. "Gods, damn it. I forgot to tell them." I face-palmed. "Idiot."

The girl sighed. She just hoped it was worth it. Tartarus would punish her for this, but she had to try. She liked Piper and it was the least she could do for her. "You contacted them." She grittened her teeth. "No shit, Sherlock. What gave you that impression?"
Alex laughed coldly. "You know you are in deep trouble now, don't you?" She breathed deeply and closed her eyes. "Just be done with it. I don't care." He laughed again. "Oh, I am not here to hurt you, I will just ask the daily question. If you answer right, Tartarus will forget about your little misstep and won't punish you. If you don't answer, well, I won't get any sleep tonight, but if I can hear your screams, I am fine with that."

"You are disgusting. I gave up everything for you and you betray me. When I get out of here, you will feel the same pain, I swear to you. And for your question, I don't know how to wake Télos."

He grinned malignantly. "Wrong answer, Lana. You will never get out of here." She shook her head. "Hope dies last." He raised an eyebrow and moved closer. "Than you will die with it." She closed her eyes as he left to tell Tartarus her answer. She would not come out of this unscathed and even if she would finally escape, the memorys would follow her, hunt her and Tartarus would win, scarring her for life. An angry tear run down her face as the door opened again. Hurry up Luke. I need you.

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