Chapter λ

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(3rd person=flasback)

"Percy!" Her voice was high pitched, but she couldn't care. They were taking her Seaweed Brain again. Last time she should have been the one taken, but Percy had insulted the guards, so they had taken him instead, and the look on Percy's face told her that had been exactly what he'd wanted. He could barely stand on his own two legs and his voice was rapsy from his screams.

The blonde girl's eyes waterd as she saw her boyfriend's struggle to keep up with the guards. Every time he stumbled or fell, he got electrocuted through the collar around his neck and she couldn't do anything against it. Her feet were bound to the ground and the chains weren't long enough for her to reach the green eyed boy. He wimphered as the guard pushed him hard and he had to hold onto the wall for support. "Leave him alone!" She screamed, but the fat monster just laughed and pushed him again, just to provocate the girl. With one last laugh the man closed the door of the cell, separating the two soulmates.

The boy wanted it all to stop. Why couldn't they just let them leave. He wanted to give up, let them win, the only thing keeping him together was his girlfriend, the gray eyed girl he had left in the cell, safe for now. If she didn't get hurt, he would be okay with the fear in his bones, the pain in his gut. The guard opened a door he knew far too well. Percy hesitated, but the look on the guards face convinced him that it would hurt more if he tried to fight, so he stepped into the chamber he would be tortured in again.

His legs gave away under him as he saw the person standing in the middle of the little room. His knees hit the ground and he tried to crawl away, but the guard kicked his back and Percy bit his lip, not giving him the satisfaction of hearing him scream. "Take away the collar around his neck," Tartarus commanded. The guard nodded and left the chamber after freeing Percy from his bounds.

"I've got a great idea for what we can do today." Tartarus smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. The breath of the boy quickened and he cowered himself in the corner as far away as possible from his torturer, hugging his knees, trying to keep his tears at bay. "W-what do you plan to do?"
Fear was evident in his voice.

Tartarus laughed. "You will see. Now come here, we can't do anything if you sit in the corner like a frightened bird." The boy burried his face in his arms, shaking his head rapidly. "Is our little hero afraid?" The son of Poseidon took a deep breath. "Not of you," he growled. The god of the pit laughed, clearly not believing the lie. "I won't repeat myself, Jackson. Come here like the good pet you are." Anger boiled inside the seventeen year old. He wasn't a fucking pet. "Shut up!" He spat, his eyes like a hurricane, fear and anger making a dangerous mixture.

"Fine, then stay where you are and watch what I will do to your precious Annabeth." He took a step in the direction of the door, but the boy stopped him short, his courage gone, replaced by cold fear for his girlfriend. "N-no, please. I-I will do anything, just don't her. Please," he begged, trying to stand up. Tartarus smirked. "Attaboy. I will take you by your word: everything. Let's make a deal, Perseus. I will be more merciful to her if you are a good pet. Stand up when I say so, come to me when I say so and don't talk back to me. Do we have a deal?" He smirked at the scared face of the boy, already knowing his answer.

"O... okay. B-but don't tell her." Percy looked at the ground. "Please." Tartarus chuckled. "I won't tell her, I promise." He smirked. His promises were worth nothing.
"Now show me you take this deal serious. Stand up." He knew the boy wasn't in any condition to stand, but to see him suffer was his greatest goal at the moment. The boy had managed to defeat the son of his wife, and now he was leading a war against her. Tartarus would make him pay.

Percy stood on shaking knees, supporting himself on the cold stone wall. "Now come over to me." The hero of Olympus took a shaking step, but his legs couldn't hold his weight and he fell with a muffled scream. "Try again." He enjoyed this, tormenting  him. Percy shook his head.

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