Chapter σ

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He had betrayed them. They didn't trust him anymore. He had sacrificed his life for them, but they still didn't trust him. He had led them, but they still didn't trust him. Chaos trusted him, but that wasn't the trust he disired. He wanted their trust, their forgiveness, their understanding. The trust of Silena Beaureguard, the trust of Charles Beckendorf, the trust of Zoë Nightshade, the trust of Ethan Nakamura. He also wante the trust of Jason Grace and Piper McLean. They didn't know him and they never would if they wouldn't stop judging him by the things he did. He needed the trust of Nico Di Angelo and the trust of his little sister. His Thalia. And he wanted Percy Jackson to trust him. He knew he had done terrible things to him, but he had changed. He was a different person. He was someone else. He wasn't Luke Castellan, the host of Kronos anyore no, he was Alpha and Luke now, son of Hermes, second in command of the warriors, one of the good soliders, on the right side in this war, fighting beside the right people. He would make up for everything he had done. He would earn their trust. He promised it on the river Styx.


"I have the power to flash you to Calico, where you can wait until he wakes up." I nodded shaky and grapsed Percy's hand tightly. A bright light enfulged us and I closed my eyes, letting a tear run down my cheek as Percy let another scream escaped his lips.

Luke POV:

As the light faded and I opened my eyes, I saw nothing but desert. Everywhere I looked, desert.

A few old huts stood here and there, but the wood was moldy and rotten, the windows nailed and the doors broken down. I flinched as Percy screamed again. What was happen to him? And why?
A cought pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around.

Fenja stood behind us, a little pale, her eyelids dropping. She wobbled and I caught her just before she hit the ground. "Did someone know she would come with us?" Annabeth shook her head, still holding Percy's hand in a vice like grip, kneeling on the ground. "I thought she would flash us here, but stay where she was. It is possible that she drained her powers by bringing all of us here." Clarisse cleared her throat. "I don't wanna complain or anything, but we've got two unconscious people and one is bleeding heavely, so what are we supposed to do now? We can't just wait. Percy and Fenja will attract monsters and so will we, Luke and Percy are, after all, warriors of Chaos."

Who would have thought Clarisse was more then just a I-run-head-first-in-a-wall-to-break-it-even-if-a-door-is-right-next-to-me person. Annabeth sighed. "We will have to wait until Percy and Fenja have woken up and then we go to Yellowstone nationalpark, but let's find somewhere to stay first." We all agreed and picked up Percy and Fenja. "Hey Annabeth, if Fenja is a Fae, doesn't that mean she's Tartarus' side?" I asked and Annabeth rolled her eyes. "If the demigods would join him, would you do it, too?" I shook my head no. "See, her sister was kidnapped by Tartarus and I think that is the reason she came with us. To help us free her."

Okay, that made sense. Pretty obvious why I never forgot that Annabeth was the smart one. We found an old hut and decided to stay there for the night. "I will treat Percy's wounds and you two will help our new friend," said Annabeth and went inside. I looked at Clarisse.
"So... what now?" She shrugged. "You heared Annabeth. You will look after the Fae and I will sleep. It was a long day."
"Uh, I don't think that's what Annabeth said." She cocked an eyebrow. "Is that so."

Turning around, she left. Okay, not helping. I sighed and laid Fenja down on an old, rusty bed, next to the bed Percy was in. Annabeth had left to get water (wherever she was planning on getting that from). I didn't really know what to do, so I sat in a chair next to her and waited for her to wake up.

After some time, she groaned and opened her eyes. "My head hurts," she complained, her hand reaching to touch her temple. I chuckled. "I can imagine. You fell unconscious after you brought us here."
"It was too long since I've last used my powers. I am out of shape." I frowned and leaned forward slightly. "Did you come with us to safe Lana?" She gulped and shook her head. "Not just because of her. I-I think Alex is the one holding her hostage. I don't know exactly, but I think Tartartus has two commanders, one of them is Alex. I don't know the other one, but I am here to punch some sense into my brother's thick scull. He is family after all."

I sighed deeply. "I made the same mistake he is making now. I betrayed my family, my friends. I wish I could undo it, but I can't." She bit her lip and slowly sat up, blinking her eyes heavily. "But you were on the good side in the end?"
I laughed humorlessly. "I payed with my life, but yeah, I was on the right side in the end. Let's just hope Alex doesn't have to die to remember who he really is."

She nodded slowly. "How is it with the army?"
"You don't know? I thought you were there with Arallana." She lowered her head and rubbed a hand over her eyes. "I wanted a normal life, so I left. I just left her alone, right after she lost Alex. I decided that my wishes are more important than my sister. I made a mistake, again. I should have stayed with her."

I shook my head and pursed my lips, squeezing her shoulder. "It wasn't your fault. Every demigod would understand you. Ask Percy for example. His life really sucks."
"Nice to know my life sucks." I sighed again and turned around. Look who has woken up. Percy was sitting in his bed, back leaning against the wall. "It's true, Percy. You had two wars to lead." He snorted dryly. "Yeah, one against you." He crossed his arms and looked challenging at me.

"I am sorry, you know that and it's okay if you can't forgive me, or trust me, or if you don't like me, but you don't have to repeat it every time," I retorted irritated, glaring back at him. His eyes narrowed. "You almost killed me, Luke. My life was a mess even without you trying to take over the world. You ruined every chance I had at a normal life. I was twelve for the gods sake and you left me in the woods to die! You didn't even stay with me no, you just walked away. Do you know what that does to a person? I was afraid, damn it! I didn't want to die." He took a shaky breath. "I don't just don't like you, I hate you." He stumbled out of bed and left. I have never felt so completely miserable and guilty.

"See what I mean. I did teribble things and he won't accept my apologies." Fenja laid a hand on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly. "Sometimes words aren't enough. Show him that you mean it." I nodded and thanked her. "We have to-" My sentence was cut off by screams. I looked at Fenja and helped her out of bed hastily and we raced outside. I expected to see monsters or any other kind of mythological creature, but that wasn't what we found no, it was way more terrible and a threat I've never faced before.


A/N: Soo, what do you think, what was outside the hut?
Comment, vote, etc. Bye

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