Chapter τ

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Death is an interesting thing. Hers was painful and all her bad decisions had flashed through her mind. What she could have done better. What she had actually achieved in her life. Life is short and it can end abruptly. She hadn't seen her death coming, but she had known she had done the right thing. She had made a mistake and paied for it with her life, but now she had gotten a new chance, and she was going to use it.
She wasn't the scared, little girl that didn't want responsebility anymore no, she was a huntress and a warrior, and she would protect her falmily, no matter the cost.

Binaca POV:

I watched as the hellhounds rushed out of the woods, Thalia standing right before them.
"Zoë, we have to do something!"
"Just wait a second. I know what I am doing!" I glanced at Thalia. She was fighting those Monsters head on, while the hunters were shooting arrows at them, but more kept coming. "We don't have a second!" Zoë looked at me and nodded slightly. Time to set our plan in action.

"Thalia! Get the hell out of there." She sliced through one more hellhound, jumped on top another and climped on one of the trees. "Are you okay?" She nodded her head. "Just a few scratches. Nothing lethal." I turned my attention back to Zoë. "Your turn."

She grinned and jumped down on one of the hellhounds. She ran over its head and jumped. In the air, a dazzling light surrounded her and I had to close my eyes to prevent being blinded. I could hear screeching and howling and I knew our plan had worked.

As I opened my eyes again, I saw golden dust everywhere, flying in the air, lying on the ground. Zoë stood in the middle of it all, covered in monster dust and breathing heavely. Thalia's eyes were the size of potatos as she was gaping at Zoë. "Close you mouth, you will catch flies."

She blinked and crossed her arms.
"You couldn't have done that before they destroyed my clothes?"
Zoë laughed. "Nopes, not really. It's exhausting and I had to prepare myself or I could have faded into starlight." Thalia nodded slowly. "Okay... so not another demonstration?" She shook her head and yawned. "I really need to sleep now." She took a step in the direction of her tent, but her legs collapsed and I caught her just before she hit the ground. "She has to rest now. She shoud be okay in an hour or so." "I'll help you carry her," offered Thalia and I smiled thankfully. Together we made our way to Zoë's tent.

"Lay her down here." I nodded toward the bed and Thalia hepled me laying her down. I growned. "Zoë is heavy." Thalia laughed. "Don't tell that to her."
"As if I would do that. I would be dead in seconds."
"Probably. Do you have powers, too?" I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah, the same as Nico's. Shadowtraveling, raising the dead, solidifying shadows, etc. This type of things, but Nico is still stronger than I am, he is the Ghost King, after all."
"Yes, he is. He really has to-"
"Lieutenant, we've found something!"

Thalia scrunched her eyebrows together. "We will talk later. Let's see what the hunters've got." We jogged over to Clary and I bumped her shoulder lightly.
"What did you find?" She sighed. "Nothing good." She turned around, her red hair like fire, crackling around her head.

"The monsters left a note." I narrowed my eyes and picked my lips. How could Hellhounds of all monsters leave a note? Thalia stepped forward. "Show me."
"Yes, Lieutenant." Clary handed her a little cheet of paper. Thalia clears her that and read, "We will attack the greek camp in two days. You can either surrender, or die. It's your choice. Prepare for battle."
"Great," I growled, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I looked at Thalia. "What do we do now?" She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I will contact Jason and tell him to come to CHB as soon as possible. Binaca, you will stay with Zoë and contact the camp. Hunters, prepare for battle. We are at war!"

I bit my lip and stared at the drachma in my hand. Who was I supposed to call? Chiron, a counselor? I took a deep breath and threw the golden coin into the rainbow. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Nico diAngelo, Camp Half-blood." The air shimmered and the face of my brother showed up. "Hey, Neeks." He jumped and gripped his sword. "Gods, Binaca! Don't do that." I laughed. "Sorry, Neeks."

He scrowled at the nickname. "Don't call me that." I just rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Camp is in danger. The first attack will be in two days. The hunters will come tomorrow and Thalia is calling Jason at the moment."
Nico nodded his head and chewed on his lip. "I will tell Chiron, but how do you know when they will attack?"
"There was an attack on our camp, but no one is injuried, don't worry. Thalia has a few scratches, that's all."
"Thank the gods you are okay. We will spend some time when the war is over." I smiled. "Good. Oh, and Nico..."
He raised an eyebrow, "is that Will's shirt?"

He blushed a scarlet red and cut the connection before I could say anything else. Cuties. "They are a cute couple." I spun around. "You startled me." Zoë grinned. "Sorry."
"You don't look sorry." She avoided eye contact and whistled innocently. „Uh, I don't know what you mean."
I laughed and shook my head. "Of course not. How much did you hear?"

Her expression turned serious and sat up in her bed. "Enough. We have to leave soon." I sighed. "Yeah. The war starts in two days." Steps were heared outside the tent. "Bianca, is Zoë awake?"
"Yes, come in Thals." Thalia entered and sat beside Zoë on the bed. "I talked to Jason. He and Reyna will come tomorrow, taking two legions with them."
"Good. Did he say anything about Piper?" I frowned. "Piper? What about her?" Thalias's eyes widened and she slapped a hand on her forehead. "You don't know?" My heartbeat sped up. What had happened to Piper? "Know what?" Thalia glaced nervously at Zoë. "She was kidnapped. We don't know much, just that the guy's name is Seer and that she wasn't choosen randomly." I run my fingers through my hair nervously.

"This is bad, really bad. Her charmspeek is a helpful weapon in combat and we could really use her other powers, too."
Thalia cleared her throat. "Other powers?" I nodded. "Yeah. She is really strong and Chaos gave her the ability to look into the future. It's a bit like Katoptris' power. She can't control the visions and they are just a possibility of what could happen, but it's very useful. I just hope she is okay." Thalia sighed. "She has to be. She is Piper McLean after all. A total badass. She is fine. I am sure of it."                                                     _____________________________________

Piper sighed. She was hungry and in the desperate need of a shower. Her choppy hair was matted and dirty. "You will get food as soon as you ask her. It's just one tiny question, Piper." She shook her head. "Leave me alone." A fist collided with her stomach and she doubled over. "You are just a pretty face, nothing more. Just give me what I want." Another punch to her stomach. "I am not weak." Her voice was firm. She was more than just a daughter of Aphrodite. She was a warrior. She was strong. She wouldn't let Seer win. Never.

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