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s o u t h s i d e
( s/n = second name )
( warnings: language )

"i heard there's a new kid coming in today." toni states, picking at her cuticles, "he's from the northside."

"oh god," you roll your eyes in annoyance from the drama that had been going on between the two sides.

"that fucking northsiders gonna get it." sweetpea groans, rolling up his sleeves.

"y/n, principle had asked you to give him a tour of southside high school." toni says, biting her lip as she waits for your reaction.

"why the hell is it always me?!" you shout in anger, standing up and pushing your chair back violently.

"what's gotten into you?" one of the serpents asks, "he's just a student he's not gonna destroy the high school or something"

you turn to face the guy that just spoke to you. your face red with pure anger and your heart feeling like it's going to explode into tiny shards, "no northsider has ever placed foot in this high school, that because everyone believes that they will ruin our reputation and change everything in this school, and if you can't tell, this is our life. and you can go eat my ass if you disagree with me."

you leave the table and immediately go to the principles office, your fists clenched with pure anger as you shove the door open to his office.

"mr-" you start to speak but get cut off by the principles voice.

"ah, miss s/n, this is a new our new student jughead jones. toni must of told you about your job to show this young man around the school."

you don't even glance at the boy, as you start raging "i will not be "showing" a stupid northsider around our school, he belongs there and we belong here!"

you feel a tight grip on your jacket then you get pulled back, "hey, i might of went to riverdale high school but i grew up in the southside, and if you didn't know it's very rude to be talking about people right in front of there own innocent eyes, so please, show me around this "precious high school" of yours."

the voice was melodic, almost soothing, but at the same time you could tell it was full of anger and frustration.

he lets you go and you instantly turn round, ready to punch whoever the hell he is in the face, but you stop short when you actually see his face.

he had a beenie covering his dark chocolate covered hair while a few pieces were perfectly placed across his forehead, his dark brown eyes were staring deep into your, his lips looked soft and plump, if you weren't in the principles office you would've probably leaned in.

rolling your eyes, you grab his hand gently and lead him out the office, smiling to yourself softly.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, riverdale ✔Where stories live. Discover now