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b r e a k u p
( part two )

"sweet pea, we need to talk." you say to him. he frowns but then nods his heading asking you silently to continue, "we have to break up."

instantly, his face drops and he looks deep into your eyes while his own tear up. "w-why? what happened? if it's me i'm promise i'll improve but we don't need to-"

"no it's not you.." you trail off looking away from his gaze as you start feeling ashamed to say this, "it's just- i'm not in love with you anymore."

you can feel his gaze still on you and by the small sniffs coming from him you can tell he's crying. when you finally look up you see him glaring at you, giving off a really mad look and scaring you slightly.

"i gave you everything y/n, i can't believe you're 'not in love' with me anymore." he shakes his head in disbelief and takes a small step away from you, "i can't believe i wasted my time on you."

with that said he walks ahead, purposely shoving against you on the way as he makes his way back to his friends. you can help but feel somewhat guilty albeit having no fault to the situation, it was just your plain feelings you were honest with.

but you had broken sweet pea, and as a punishment he didn't bother speaking to you ever again.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, riverdale ✔Where stories live. Discover now