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f a v o u r i t e s

archie - your favourite thing about archie is his personality, he's always kind and caring, he never lets you down and he's always there for you. he strives to please everyone in anyway and always make sure that you're all happy.

betty - your favourite thing about betty is her determination, she always tries to find an answer to everything and will never stop till she does. it's what you admire about her and also become a little jealous of.

veronica - your favourite thing about veronica is her sense of style. veronica always knows how to put things together and knows what lols good with each other, she is always there to give you advice on outfits and great at decorating things.

jughead - your favourite thing about jughead is his clothes, you love how big and oversized they are on yourself. you also love the style he wear as you think it suits him and his personality incredibly well.

cheryl - your favourite thing about cheryl is her appearance. you love the bold contrast of the bright colours of her hair, lipstick and clothes against her pale complexion. you love how she's got an amazing posture, standing tall wherever she goes.

kevin - your favourite thing about kevin is his friendliness, he's always being kind and helpful to you and everyone else and constantly positive when around you which always puts you in a positive mood too.

toni - your favourite thing about toni is her fierceness and boldness, toni isn't afraid to stand up for herself or any of her friends when she needs to, and when she does you can't help but feel a little jealous but grateful for her.

josie - your favourite thing about josie is her voice, she has an amazing sweet voice used for singing that you know not many people have, and the fact that she goes on stage in front of hundreds of people to use that voice amazes you very much.

( i didn't include sweet pea in this because he's not a very used character in the show, you don't really see a lot of him and he doesn't play a big part so i decided to just leave him out for this )

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