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s t a y i n g
( warning: cringy sex sounds )

it had struck 12 at the lodge household and you were supposed to be home hours ago, instead you found yourself sitting in veronica's room gossiping while watching a movie.

"god, my moms gonna kill me i should've been home by 9." you sigh and flop on her bed, staring directly at her white ceiling.

"just stay, i'm sure she won't mind." veronica replies, sitting down next to you "besides we still have to finish off the series and right now is the perfect opportunity."

"oh yeah!" you say a little too loudly and jump up, facing her large screen tv, "are you sure your parents don't mind?"

"they're asleep y/n, don't worry." veronica reassures you as she grabs the remote and turns on the tv.

just then, loud high pitched moans are heard from behind the walls along with a low husky groan. both of your mouths fall open as veronica's cheeks turn a shade of pink, "oh my god."

you cover your ears and try to block out the embarrassing sounds of her parents having sex in the other room. her face lights up as if she has an idea and she motions for you to wait while she gets up and grabs her laptop from across the room, she places it on the bed and plugs into some earphone to help drown the sound out.

"i'll put the volume up all the way." she says as she hands you an earphone and you place it in your ear, as the two of you start watching the programme most of the noises aren't heard, but when they are you can't help but cringe uncomfortably.

( thanks for 5k )

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