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you sit down at the table and start eating your lunch, talking to your friends when she comes over.

you instantly drop your apple back on the tray to see the one and only, betty cooper. words couldn't explain what you felt towards her.

she said a simple hi to everyone and took a seat, next to you.

your heart beat quickens as you can smell her scent, her leg lightly brushed yours making butterflies explode in your stomach.

she was just so beautiful, her blonde gold locks down to the red coloured nail polish on her toes.

"hey, y/n." she looks over at you and smiles, you open your mouth in an attempt to speak but not much comes out.

"h-hi betty." you reply quietly and look into her green orbs. then you snap out of the trance and look down at your tray.

"how's everything?" she asks, turning towards you. you were always quiet around her and never spoke much in the fear of messing up.

"um, it's good, you?" your breath hitches when her legs rub against yours once more and then she places her hand on your shoulder.

"i'm great." she smiles. she opens her mouth again to speak but someone from behind her calls out her name.

"betty!" it's that one and only person you envy, jughead jones.

jughead walks towards her and betty gets up from the table, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a peck on the cheek.

you watch them both stare into each other's eyes with love and your feel your heart drop as jealousy runs through every inch of your body.

jughead has everything you wanted, betty cooper, and you would do anything to get them apart.

oh betty, how i wish you were mine.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, riverdale ✔Where stories live. Discover now