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f i r s t
( warning: alcohol )

since it was the end of the school year, cheryl decided to throw a party for everyone to come to. people were swarming about the mansion drunk and high, music blaring through the walls that could be heard from miles away.

you were sitting on a couch in the corner of them room, watching sweaty bodies grind on each other with boredom to try and pass time. resting your face against the side of your palm you sigh, you weren't really in the mood to get drunk or dance in anyway so you stayed there for another 10 minutes, until a drunk cheryl cheekily stumbled in front of you.

"y/n! what are you doing? have a drink and loosen up, stop being so boring!" the words tumble out of her mouth carelessly as she her grip on the plastic solo cup tightens and then she shoves it out in your direction. you eye her and the cup filled with some type of alcoholic beverage, presumably beer. she flashes a sloppy grin and gestures at you to take the cup from her hands. "come on, try it."

"no cheryl, i don't think i shou-"

"no y/n, i promise it'll be fine." she reassures you, but there's still the deep feeling down in your gut of uncertainty and guilt. after debating with yourself you take the cup from her reluctantly. an even bigger grin breaks out on her face that forms into a smirk when you bring the cup up to your mouth, hesitant to take a sip. she nods her head at you, eager to see you try it.

finally you take your first sip of alcohol, scrunching up your face as short coughs follow up after. she laughs at your reaction, probably not realising that this was her reaction when she had alcohol for the first time too. "oh wow, you're amazing."

you raise your brows at her questioningly before looking down at the golden bubbling liquid stirring round gently in the cup. warily, you start chugging the liquid down your throat and feel the burning sensation rise up, cringing slightly. she cheers at you and you feel her dancing around you, most likely proud of herself for persuading you into drinking - we'll, it was more of you just giving up frankly.

you had no idea to what you were doing but you knew only cheryl blossom was responsible for it.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, riverdale ✔Where stories live. Discover now