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n e w g i r l
( h/c = home country/city )

you clutch your books tightly to your chest as you stare up at the building you were about to enter, riverdale high school.

moving from h/c to a tiny town was a big change for you, you felt nervous because you didn't know how the people would be.

finally after a few more minutes of encouraging yourself you take a step inside, a new aroma fills your nose as you look around the school.

the people are different but there's still the stereotypical groups, jocks, nerds, cheerleaders.

it must be a thing in every town.

"hello." a voice behind you says and you jump, startled. she takes a few steps so she's in front of you and inspects your face.

she has on some sort of cheerleading costume with her hands resting on her hips, a big wide smile on her lips and her ginger locks flowing down past her shoulders.

"i'm cheryl." she holds out her hand for you to shake and you hesitantly take it, "your name?"

"i'm y/n, nice to meet you." you smile at her and she smiles back. she starts walking around you, inspecting your figure and you start getting a little self conscious.

"hm, your pretty." she looks you up and down, "and you'll be the newest member to my river vixens." she grabs my hand and starts pulling me somewhere.

"river what?" you reply in shock. she looks at you with a smile still on her face.

"my cheerleading group, the river vixens." she continues dragging you and takes you to a changing room where she hands you the same outfit she was wearing.

"umm.." you hold the costume and inspect it, looking up at her.

"put this on, i'll be back to get you."

she leaves and you stare at the piece of clothing, it really wasn't your style but you sighed, stripping down to your bear body.

"y/n! are you re-" cheryl suddenly walks in while you were still naked. her face instantly changes as she looks you up and down, her cheeks become read as do yours.

"uh.." you stand awkwardly and try to cover you body with the piece of clothing. cheryl shakes her head and mutter a sorry before walking out.

you cheeks were still burning as think about the expression on her face, she looked like she could just pounce any second.

you put the thoughts to the back of your head and walk out, trying not to look cheryl in the eye again.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, riverdale ✔Where stories live. Discover now