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c h e a t e r

there was a lot going on in riverdale at the moment: drama between the lodges, blackhood, harmonie and fred for president, even your relationship with your friends; especially jughead.

since jughead and his dad got in a fight, he asked if he could stay at yours for a while. you asked your mum and she really didn't mind at all, even though he was a southside serpent.

jughead and you had also started dating, you've been dating for 4 months now and you were both happy with your relationship.

or so you thought.

he would start coming home later than expected, usually he would arrive home 8 on the dot but now he comes by 10.

he's gotten distant with you, he's not talking to you as much and he just gives a few short worded answers. he also sleeps on the other side of the bed instead of holding you in his arms.

he smells different, like another person. his shirt usually slightly sweat stained and there's red marks along his neck.

he can't look you in the eye and doesn't smile or laugh anymore, it's like he doesn't care.

you grab a pillow from you bed and squeeze it, letting out all your anger that you've been feeling lately before becoming overwhelmed of emotions and bursting out crying.

sobs escape from your lips and salty tears run down your cheeks and onto the soft pillow now scrunched up in your hands.

a few minutes later the door opens up and there stands the one and only, jughead jones.

he simply stares at you with his mouth a little open in shock. he pulls them into a straight line before speaking, "hey, are you-"

"yes jughead, i'm perfectly fine." you cut him off sarcastically and wipe the tears from your cheeks, staring at the dark wooden floor with a blank expression.

you see his feet come towards the bed, but he doesn't come towards you as you hoped, he only picks up his bag.

"um, i'm going out." is all he says as he stares down at you and waits for an answer.

"you're not going to ask why i'm crying?" you say and look up at his face, staring at him for some sort of reaction.

his cheeks go slightly red and he averts his eyes, pulling his lips into a thin line.

this confirms that he's been lying this whole time.

( thank you for 1k, i really appreciate it )

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