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s n e a k i n g o u t

it was 11pm at night and you had just received a call from your boyfriend, reggie, to ask if you could come over because he couldn't sleep. so you reluctantly give in after 5 minutes of him begging you to.

with a bag over your shoulder, you sneak down the stairs, the floorboards creak with every step and you mentally curse every time. just as you get to the bottom of the stairs you hear the voice of your brother from behind.

"y/n? what are you doing?" archie speaks, you don't dare to turn around as you mentally make up an excuse.

"uhm, i was throwing the trash out." you lie, finally turning round to see his face of disbelief.

"at this time?" he raises his eyebrows with suspicion, crossing his arms over his chest.

"ugh, fine!" you throw your arms up in the air with defeat, "i was going to see reggie... he said he needed he with homework.."

archie steps down a stair, "you sure?"

"he couldn't get to sleep." you finally confess looking down slightly embarrassed of trying to hide up such an easy lie, "but just this once archie, i love him and i would do anything for him, please."

he sighs, rubbing his fingers over his temple as he thinks about what to say, "fine, but just this once and you should be back by morning."

you jump up in excitement, running up the stairs to give him a quick hug and peck on the cheek before running back down and out the door.

you love reggie and he loves you, you guys would do anything for each other.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, riverdale ✔Where stories live. Discover now