[28] KEVIN

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i n v e s t i g a t i n g

you and kevin were currently in your bedroom, sprawled about the place with your head in your hands. since your parents weren't home you took this as an opportunity to start pairing together all the information you found out about the black hood.

the two of you are stressed out to the max, "kevin," you start, looking up from the floor to his figure sprawled out a few feet ahead, "don't you think we should just let betty and jughead do this?"

"no," he snaps, "i don't think they're targeting the right people, if we look closer at the clues he left us we'll be able to figure it out."

he lifts himself to sit upright against the wall, "but what if he's trying to trick us by giving away so many hints, no normal criminal would do this?"

kevin's head slowly turns towards you as he processes what you just said, "i think that's it, he's trying to trick us!" he shouts in realisation.

you giggle a little from his behaviour and bring hand to your mouth to try and suppress a yawn.

"hey, isn't your dad a detective? why isn't he working on this case?" kevin questions out of curiosity.

"yeah he is, but so many other people have took the time to start investing about it he wasn't assigned to do it." you reply to him, sliding from the bed and onto the floor where he sits with all the sheets of paper, "we should go into my dads office to get some equipment. even if these are fake there should be some trace left."

"okay then, let's start from square 1."

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