Chapter One

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" I'm so tired , I want to sleeepppp," she lazed in the backseat of the car as Nadia , the oldest shot her an disapproved look .

"Hahaha , not today girl . You better bring your butt here or I'll drag you out Taiis ,"

Knowing how Nadia was , she reluctantly climbed out the backseat mumbling a few cuss words at Nadia .

The trunk was wide open revealing loads of luggages, boxes and bags, most of them belonging to Hailey of course.

"Uh, are we supposed to carry these upstairs ? " Mindi's eyes slowly shifted to Nadia , waiting for an answer.


"Oh fu-,"

"No Taiis,"

"But ,"

"Don't worry, there is an elevator in this apartment,"

A sigh of relief left Kewen's mouth .

"Do you guys think I would want to climb nine levels everyday with loads of food for you guys ?" Nadia shot them a look before shaking her head .

"Come on, let's get these stuff into the elevator,"


The moment Nadia stepped out the elevator, she turned to her right to door # 2.

She typed in the password before pushing the door open for the rest of them .

They filtered in , resting the stuff on the floor to admire the apartment Nadia found .

To the right when you walk in through the door was a small kitchen.

A fridge , a sink , a stove , an oven and a cupboard was provided .

Surrounding the counter was six chairs.

Further down, there was the living room.

In the living room, it had a big cream colored couch with matching pillows.

There was also a short glass like table and a TV in front of the table.

To to left when you walk in, there was a small hall and a door stood on each side .

Both rooms had white walls and two windows.

One was the master bedroom which was redesigned to fit three people.

A bunk bed stood to the left side and a single person bed stood to the right of the room.

The master bedroom had a really big closet , a huge bookshelf and a long desk with three chairs and a desk lamp.

"I CALL DIBS ON THIS BED !!" Immediately, Taiis threw herself on the bed .

"Alright then , I guess I'll take the bottom bunk ," Hailey said .

"Mindi , you can share this room with Hailey and Taiis if you want too ,"

"Sure ," she shrugged her shoulders and placed a bag on the desk .

The next room was slightly smaller .

It had on bunk bed , a slightly smaller closet than the other room , a bookshelf and a desk with two chairs and one desk lamp.

Nadia , knowing Kewen would want the bottom bunk , threw her bag on the top bunk .


It was about one in the afternoon when most of them finished unpacking.

All of them were just chilling in the living room couch .

" Um , Hailey , you have a notification," Kewen informed her , handing the girl her phone .

She took it from her , unlocking it to check her messages.

"Whose's that ?" Taiis asked , taking a peeking .

"Stop minding the girl's business," Mindi sighed , knowing she has told her over a million times.

"It's okay . It was just my brother,"


Wow! Hailey has a brother!!! I wonder who's Hailey's brother ?🧐🤔

This is my first time writing stories so if any mistakes plz don't mind . THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Excuse my grammar and spelling errors thank you ❣❣

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