Chapter Eleven

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"Here, take this bracelet. This is a gift from me," the little boy said , placing the gift into the tiny palms of Taiis.

"Why you giving me this," the little girl asked , confused at the sudden gift.

"I promise I will come back and find you so I want to make sure you remember me so I got you this bracelet," he answered truthfully.

"But it's gold, that expensive,"

"It's okay, my parents are rich now . My mommy said the bracelet was specially made and one of a kind,"

" What does one of a kind mean?"

"I think it means the only one in the world," the boy answered puffing up his cheeks as he thought .

"Cool, thank you . It's really big,"

"It will fit when your hand grows big ,"

"Thanks," the girl gave her best friend a hug knowing that they wouldn't be seeing each other for a while.

"I have to go ," he sadly said , waving to the girl and then ran to his mother.

Taiis on the other hand stood by her gates as she saw his car slowly disappear down the road.


Taiis immediately jumped up from her bed as her dream ended .

Her heart was racing, and sweat was dripping down her forehead.

She hated when she dreamt about that day as it was not a really fond memory to remember.

It was the day her childhood friend left her and never came back.

The bracelet he gave her , she still had it .

She really didn't have the heart to throw it away.

For some reason , she also didn't want to lose it so she was always wearing it around her wrist.

When she would be bored, she will stare at it and think why he never came back .

"Wak- , huh? Your awake ," Nadia asked with an confused look on her face.

"Yeah ," Taiis answered quietly as she played with the bracelet.

"Oh," Nadia walked it the girl's side and sat at the edge of the bed," you're getting the dream more often,"

"Yeah , I usually barely get it like once a month but now it's like nearly every night," she frustratedly replied, pulling her brown hair.

"You miss him,"

"N-," she then stopped herself knowing Nadia could see past her lies .

"Yeah , a lot ," she quietly answered .

"It's okay, come on get up and wake Hailey and Mindi up ,"


The lunchroom was full of chattering students.

People either eating , talking , walking around or stalking the group of handsome boys who sat with Taiis and her friends.

"Omg, he is so hot,"

"His hair is amazing,"

"Look at his smile ,"

"I'm going to dying , they're so cute,"

"Since when were you this popular with girls ," Hailey asked Jimin.

"I was popular with them all the time . Girls all love me," he bragged.

"Eww, no," Hailey shook her head in disagreement , not believing that.

"Fine, I'll prove it ," he determinedly replied.

He looked at a group of girls who were staring at him and then winked at them.

Immediately, they began squealing.

"Such a play boy," Hailey immediately rolled her eyes.

"Jealous much," he teased.

"Shut up and eat,"

On the other end of the table, Taiis was sitting next to Yoongi unwillingly .

She was eating her rice and was think about this mornings dream.

Yoongi who was next to her was busy listening to music and sleeping again.

His usual routine.

"Hey, Yoongi, wake up . You have to eat something," Jin shook the sleeping boy knowing it was something he shouldn't do but he cared more about his friend's health than his anger issues.

"Ugh, Stop annoying me, I want to sleep ," he mumbled.

"Just a bit ,"

"Fine," he took the food from Jin and began stuffing his mouth.

"I thought you weren't hungry?" Jungkook asked.

"Shut up ,"

"Aww, Yoongi hyeong is mad," Hoseok teased .

"Ugh, Stop annoying me," he grumbled.

"Ah, such a grumpy human," Taehyung comment.

Sorry for the short  and boring chapter .

This is the bracelet Taiis got when she was younger:

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Thank you so much for reading ,hope you will continue reading and don't forget to vote for the book ❣️

Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors ❣️

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