Chapter Twelve

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"Do you guys want to stay back and just do some dance practice?" Hailey whispered to Kewen quietly, not wanting to get caught by the teacher.

"Yeah, sure,we don't have any homework ," she replied .

The teacher was in front of the class blabbering about her lesson and boring Taiis who sat in the dead back of the class next to Mindi.

Hailey and Kewen sat in front of them .

Nadia on the other hand sat by herself in front of Hailey and Kewen.

While the rest of them where daydreaming , Nadia was busy taking down notes.

"Hey , Kewen, pass me the pack,"Taiis hissed to the girl after seeing her eating the skittles in class.

"Chill, here," Kewen handed the pack to Taiis who shared it with Mindi.

"Hey, don't eat all," Kewen complaining.

"Bun you ,"

"I don't like you," Kewen pouted.

"Stop talking, I can hear you ," Nadia hushed the girls.


"Come on, let's go," Taiis shouted to the rest of them as she ran up the flight of steps to get to the third floor of the school.

"Slow down, I can't catch up," Kewen complaining stopping to catch her breath.

"It not that many stairs," Taiis states with a flat look on her face.


"Please stop complaining," Nadia interrupted as she swung her backpack onto her back.

"Ugh, coming," Kewen lazily answered as she joined the rest of them .

Taiis carefully pushed the door open but stop in her track as she heard music coming out.

She carefully peeked her head in .

Kewen unknowing bounced into her .


"Shhhhh, look," Taiis pointed inside.

Curiosity got the best of them so all of them peeked in.

In the middle of the dance floor stood Hoseok .

Music was playing through a speaker and he was dancing really powerfully and full of energy .

His movements were sharp quick and smooth .

His dance was full of emotion and life.

"Wow," Hailey whispered, admiring his dance.

At one point in the dance, he did a flip and landed perfectly on his two feet .

He was so into his dance, he didn't even notice them watching.

As the music ended, his friends who stood on the side clapped and applauded.

Hoseok suddenly then turned his head around since he heard someone clapping other than his friends.

By the studio door, stood Jimin's sister and her friends .

They were all clapping .

He took a small bow and sat down to take a sip of water.

"That's was amazing Hoseok," Taiis complimented.

"Thanks, how come you guys still in school," he asked.

"Oh, we usually stay back to just do some dance practice," Hailey replied.

" I thought you guys stay back every Friday," Jimin asked.

" We has no homework so that's why where here," Nadia replied walking into the studio with the rest of them.

"Can you guys dance for us?" Jungkook exciting asked.

"They dance better than me, they can dance for you," Kewen asked .

"Such a lazy human," Taiis sighed.

"Hoseok, what's the name of the music you were dancing to?" Nadia suddenly asked.


"He made the song," Taehyung answered for the shy boy.

"Really? I love the beat and the way you rap. Wait you rap too," Nadia's eyes widened after realizing.


"That's so cool, your so talented,"

"Thanks," he suddenly gots a bit shy after all the compliments.

"So you want to be an idol I'm guessing,"

"Yep he does, all of us do in fact," Namjoon answered.

"Interesting, so do we, well except Nadia," Taiis said.

"Nadia wants to be a music producer since she is fascinated with all sorts of music,"

"Woah, maybe you can help me make finish my song," Taehyung joked.

"I'm not that good,"

"Not good my foot, the first day you sang for Miss one of your own songs, she literally loved it," Taiis muttered.

"It's wasn't that good," Nadia replied , rubbing her nape .

"Yeah, What ever , your total not miss's favorite,"

"Oh, someone's jealous ,"Yoongi teased , provoking the girls.

"Shut up you asshole,"

"I'm sorry , not ,"

"Ah, please stop arguing, it's annoying me," Jin complained to them .

"Taiis please stop picking a fight with everyone," Nadia added.

"What?! It wasn't me who started the fight the first time . It was Yoongi!" She defended.

"Here we go again," Kewen sighed as she popped some skittles into her mouth.

"Are you eating ?" Jungkook asked .

"No," she lied quickly hiding the pack since she didn't plan on sharing.

"Can I have some ," he pouted,"please."

"No," Kewen refused and shook her head cause her black hair to bounce slightly.


"Please shut up , I'm going to have a headache," Yoongi complaining , I'm trying to sleep.

I love the song boy meets evil 😍 Do y'all like it??

Thanks for reading ,hope you enjoyed and plz don't forget to vote ❣️

Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors ❣️

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