Chapter Thirteen

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" You sure you don't want us to stay with you ," Nadia asked unsure about the leaving the girl by herself in Starbucks.

"I'll be fine, if he doesn't come in like half an hour, I'll go home," Kewen replied, trying to reassure Nadia.

"Okay,call me if you need anything," Nadia reluctantly answered and then drove off.

As the car disappeared down the road, Kewen turned around to to enter the cafe.

The aroma of coffee beans filled her nose as the glass door opened.

It was Friday so there were a lot of students in the place.

Carefully, Kewen tried to get through the crowd to find a seat .

There was an empty booth close to the window so she quickly ran towards.

She sat down and looked at the time.

"I wonder when he is coming," she thought looking out the window and onto the road where all the cars drove on.

After waiting for five minutes, she took out her phone to see if she got any message or miss calls.

But there were none.

She sighed a bit and went back looking out the window.

She didn't like hearing all the chatter so she took out her headphones and began scrolling through her playlists looking for a song.

She had a whole set of K-pop songs and most of them were from Got 7.

She loved the way how this boy group was really talented and most of them could either sing, rap or dance.

She really wished if she wrote or sang a song, she would also have people listening to them.

She could sing but she couldn't really dance or write songs.

It's kind of unfortunate since if you want to train to be an idol, you should like either know how to dance and sing or rap and dance or do all three.

At least she knew her friends would be successful.

Taiis could sing and dance really well.

She is the best dance out of all five of them.

Mindi could also dance and sing.

She too has an amazing voice.

Hailey could rap and dance .

Here rapping skills are fantastic and she is really beautiful.

Nadia on the other hand is talented .

She could sing , rap , choreography dances and make songs.

But Kewen, she could sing only, she couldn't rap though Hailey is trying to help her .

She couldn't really dance as well as Taiis , though she tries.

But somewhere in her heart she knew if she worked hard she could succeed.

She had really supportive parents who were always there by here side.

She had amazing friends who helped her .

She knew she could do it .


Thirty five minutes passed and still no one showed up.

Kewen's excitement was immediately replaced with disappointment.

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