Chapter Twenty One

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"So, what are we going to do at Hoseok's house ," Kewen asked as she happily skipped alone side Hailey .

"I don't know. He just thought we would be bored so we can go by his house ," Hailey shrugged.

"He must be really rich. Doesn't Jimin and them live in that house with him? " Mindi asked .

"How do you know that ?"

"Uh, Taehyung told me ," she replied.

"I think so . Wait . He is the heir of the Jung Company,"

"The Jung Company! That boy must be filthy rich ," Taiis said .

"Not sure , Jimin told me he has his own house which is the one their living inside. He said he doesn't want to be alone so he allowed them to live for free,"

"Ah, rich people perks," Taiis sighed .


"Damn, this house is huge ," Kewen gasped .

"Is this ...... gold ?" Taiis asked , inspecting the door bell.

"I think so ,"Hailey answered .

"Taiis stop staring at the door bell and please press it ," Nadia kindly told Taiis .

" Oh , right . I was going to do that ," Taiis answered , faking a smile .

"Hey , you guys got here quick ," Hoseok said , opening the door.

"Hey , dude . Is this gold ?" Taiis asked .

"Taiis ! That not how you greet someone," Nadia said .

"It's okay . Yoongi's like that too . Come on in ," He said, opening the door .

The floor was literally made of marble which looked like it has been polished very often .

Painting , big and small hung on the white walls .

A huge crystal chandelier hung above the ceiling of the living room.

"Taiis don't touch anything," Nadia warned the girl who was busing inspecting a vase .

A few big comfy sofas and a huge TV stood under the chandelier.

To the right was a flight of steps which probably led to the upstairs where the bedroom's where .

On the left was a huge kitchen and dining room.

In the kitchen stood a gigantic fridge which was probably three times the one the girl's had .

" I want to live here now. Look at how big the fridge is ," Taiis said .

"Why is everything here so big and ,  and, and ..........modern ......,"Kewen started .

"And expensive," Taiis added .

" You are so damn rich ," Hailey said .

"I'm just here see all you guys drooling over his house ," Nadia sighed .

"But this place is amazing," Kewen gazed.

"Oh, you guys are already here ," another voice said .

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