Chapter Twenty Five

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"I'm free!!" Taiis shouted running out the class .

"Gosh , exams are finally over ," Mindi said .

"TAIIS ! STOP RUNNING!" Nadia shouted , chasing the girl.


"Is Taiis Okay ?" Jungkook asked watching her run down the stairs.

"It's the drugs . They're kicking in ," Kewen casually answered .

"Hey , how you doing ?"Namjoon asked Hailey .

"I'm fine ," she answered as they locked hands .

"What you guys want to do this afternoon? I can't believe they gave us a day off tomorrow  ," Taehyung said.

"I want to sleep," Yoongi answered .

"But I don't want to stay home ," Jungkook pouted.

"Can we go get bubble tea or something?" Someone suddenly suggests.

"Yeah, I agree with that idea ," Hoseok nodded.


"Why not ,"

"Sure ,"

"Anything is fine with me ,"

"I want to sleep,"

"Okay, it's decided. Let's go guys ," Jungkook happily said as he skipped down the stairs .


"So many flavors to chose from ," Kewen stared at the menu, having a hard time decided what to choose from .

"I know how you feel," Nadia laughed.

" You should try the chocolate bubble tea ," Jin point out to Nadia .

"Uh?" She turned her head to the direction he was pointing at .

"Oh . I didn't see that . Thanks for the suggestion," Nadia said .

"What should I choose ," Kewen mumbled.

" Two green milk tea ," Jungkook ordered .

Kewen's head perked up slightly , startled by his voice.

"You should try it . It taste good ," he said .

"Thanks ?"

"Welcome," he smiled.


Everyone sat down at one table .

Silently, Kewen tasted her drink.

Immediately her taste buds reacted.

"This taste really good," her eyes widened at the amazing taste as Jungkook chuckled at her reaction.

"What flavors is that ?" Taiis asked .

"Green milk tea ," Kewen answered .

"Your expression though," Mindi laughed .

" It taste really good ,"

" I can tell ,"

"What flavor you have Mindi ?"

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