Chapter Four

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Tap tap tap tap

Kewen's tiny fingers flew across her MacBook keyboard .

One hand on the keyboard , the other on the mouse.

" Kewen, time to eat breakfast!"






Hearing no reply from the child, Nadia stormed into the room.

" Kewen bring your butt to the living room NOW,"

" Just now, in ten minutes," she finally replied .

" You told me that three times already,"

" Come on," she grumbled .

" No, come and eat your breakfast ," looking at Nadia stern expression, she sighed and closed her laptop.

" Good, you can play after you eat,"


" Mmmmmm........... this food is amazing," Taiis commented, stuffing another piece of a pancake into her mouth.

"Yep, I agree," Mindi picked up the bottle of maple syrup and drizzled it onto her newly made pancakes.

" Who wants milk with their pancakes?" Nadia asked holding the carton of milk .

"Me!" all the girls answered at once.

She carful poured each of them a glass.

" So Kewen, what time you woke up this time to play with your friend," Hailey asked taking a sip of the milk.

" Uh..........five," she sheepishly replied.

"You wake up so early to play this game with this friend and when school starts back in a few days , I bet that you would still be in bed at eight," Nadia scolded.

" You better stop playing so often when school starts because Nadia's going to hide your laptop," Hailey reminded the younger girl.

" That's why I'm trying to spend most of my summer catching what I missed during the school days,"


Right after breakfast ,Kewen rushed back to her precious laptop.

She opened up the device and a message popped up .

Kookies and cream: Hello? Are you there?

Mini chocolate:Sorry, my friend called me to eat breakfast.

Kookies and cream:Okay, cool. You want to continue to play?

Mini chocolate:Sure.

Kookies and cream was a player Kewen met online in the game.

He/she was her teammate in the game .

In this game, you can play by yourself or with another player.

If you want to play another person, you press the double player button and you get paired up with a random player.

You guys play one round and if you like the way you guys work together you can press the become a team button.

If you don't, you can press the change player button.

Most of the time , Kewen plays by herself since most people want become a team with her since she was at a really high level. (because she played like 24/7 during the summer)

And sometimes if she likes how the person worked together with her, but the person doesn't so she ends up being alone.

Then last month, she got paired up with this player called Kookies and cream.

He/she was a really high level, well just one level higher than Kewen but they played really well together.

So they decided to become a team .

They named their team "Chococream"

Every time they play together, they voice call so they can talk while playing .

" Gosh, school starting back in like three days," She complained to the other person .

" Yeah, I totally forgot, we won't be able to play very often," the person on the other end grumbled.

For some reason he/she had a really cute voice when he/she talks.

Especially his/hers laugh, it's really melodious to hear.

" School also starts back for me in three days too?"

" Really?"

" Yep,"

" I really hate school, we are basically paying to get tortured,"

" You know."

Some reason, this player and Kewen kind of had the same personality.

The worked really well together and communication well.

It was like they could read each other's mind.

Or maybe they can .

Sorry,this chapter isn't that exciting but the next one will be.

Also ,




Thanks so much for reading and hope you enjoy this chapter ,don't forget to comment .😊😊

I can't wait for BTS' comeback !!!

Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors ❣️Thanks for reading .

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