Chapter Twenty Four

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As according to plan, everyone met up at one house .

Hoseok's of course.

"Okay I'm going to try and call dad ," Jimin said , picking up the phone .

"What if he doesn't answers ,"Hailey worriedly said .

A luggage sat by her side .

Silently Namjoon looked at her .

He looked really sad and down .

Like them all, he didn't want her to leave .

But he had a different reason.

He enjoyed her presence.

He liked to listen to her talk .

Her laughter was music to his ears .

Her smile warmed his heart .

He was so  deep in thought , he didn't notice Nadia quietly observing his expression.

For some reason, Nadia could read his expression.

No wonder why he didn't want her to leave.

The boy has feelings for her .

He needs to at least confessed before she leaves .

In her mind, she was forming a plan.

She really didn't like playing matchmaker but for the sake of her friend, she would .

She knows Hailey also has feelings for him .

It was obvious.

But of course, both of them are really clueless.

Quietly Nadia sighed .

"Come on , answer," Jimin muttered .

"We have an hour left until Hailey's flight ," Taehyung said , looking at the clock .

"Jimin , it's not working . We can't do anything. Let's just except the fact ," Hailey said .

"I guess we tried our best . We can at least spend the last hour we have with Hailey wisely," Hoseok said.

"I guess,"


Time was ticking .

At last , it was time to drop Hailey by the airport.

It was no use trying.

She was going in the end .

There was no way out .

But everyone tried their best .

"I will really miss you ," Kewen quietly said as she engulfed her into a hug.

By the corner, Namjoon stood watching.

"Namjoon you scary cat ," Nadia muttered walking towards him.

Of course this surprised him.

"Uh? Whats wrong ," he asked .

"You know . This maybe the last time seeing her . At least go and confess,"

"C-confess?" His cheeks immediately started to turn red.

"Yes boy. Don't try that with me and say you don't . It's so damn obvious. Go on ," Nadia jester.


"I will kick you if you don't start to walk ," Nadia threatened.

Not wanting to be kicked , he immediately walked towards Hailey .

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