Chapter Twenty

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"What's for dinner?" Taiis asked Nadia .

"It that always the first thing you asked me when we get home ?"   Nadia  raised her eyebrows slightly at the question.

"I don't know,"

"Well that is the first thing you always ask me,"

"Oh. So , how are you ?"


"What's for dinner?"Taiis asked , innocently looking at an annoyed Nadia .

"A glass of cold water ,"

"What ?!"

"Yes . Now shut up and let me finish my homework,"

"Okay. Jeeze ," Taiis pouted as she rest her head on the table while Nadia worked .

Around a minute later, Kewen went to her room to go play games on her phone with Jungkook.

"Finally," Nadia muttered.

"Uh?" All the girls where confused hearing Nadia say that.

Nadia smiled softly and close her textbook.

"Okay , now Kewen's gone, I have something to tell you guys ," Nadia started .


"So this was Jungkook's idea. Basically he was thinking maybe he could go buy tickets to go to Got 7's concert for Kewen.While he and Kewen are out , we can prepare a surprise party for her,"

"That's really smart," Mindi said .

"Jungkook thought of that ? Didn't know he cares so much about Kewen," Hailey said .

"I don't know . But I think it's a great idea ," Nadia shrugged.

"This is going to be fun. We can buy balloons and decorate the house ," Hailey suddenly excitedly thought.

"I can bake her a cake ," Nadia suggested .

"And make food for us !" Taiis said , clapping her hands.

"You and your food self ," Mindi sighed .

"What? Who doesn't love food ?"

"So what do you guys think?"

"Yeah that's fine . Jimin and them can help ,"Hailey said .

"Okay , so that's the plan,"

"Okay , What's for dinner?"






"Park JinYoung!"

"Choi Youngjae!"


"Kim Yugyeom!"

"Got 7 !"

"My ears. Why did I agree to come ," Jungkook mumbled.

"Too bad. You're already here," Kewen shouted over the crowd waving her lightstick excitedly.

"Why did I come?"

"Cause your a great friend," Kewen smiled.

"Yeah, I wish I wasn't now,"

"Aww," Kewen pouted.

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