Chapter Six

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"Hey, are you okay?" A soft voice asked .

Slowly ,  Mindi looked up .

The most beautiful pair of brown eyes stared right back at Mindi.

A boy around her age or maybe even older stood  in front of her .

He was about 179cm .

He was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans and a white long sleeve button up shirt.

His hands were in his pocket and he had a really concern look on his face.

For some reason Mindi decided to admire his facial features.

He had a really perfect jawline and flawless skin which glowed under the sunlight.

His dark brown hair swayed to one side as the gentle breeze blew.

"Hello?" the boy waved his hands in front of her face snapping her out of her gaze.

"Uh? Oh, sorry, what where you saying," Her cheeks suddenly started to heat up.

"You just met the boy and you're already checking him out, shame on you Mindi,"she scolded herself.

"I was just asking if you are alright,"

"I-I'm fine," she lied ,wiping away her tears.

She knew she must look like a homeless person right now with her red swollen eyes and messy hair.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" she snapped at him but then quickly apologized knowing that she shouldn't take her anger on him.

"It's ju-," she immediately broke down into tears again.

"It's okay," he sat next to her and began comforting her.

For some reason, she began to calm down .

"Why are you even comforting a complete stranger," she suddenly asked ,sniffling softly.

"I don't even know but I heard someone crying so I came to check,"he replied.

"Thanks," she gratefully replied.

"You know, when life gives you a lemon, just make lemonade,"

"But sometimes you just can't," she replied quietly.

His expression softened as she said that.

" How can you when you catch your boyfriend cheating on you.
Someone who you trusted and loved. Someone who you leaned on.
Someone who made you feel safe.
Someone who made you smile when you were sad.
Someone who sticked with you through thick and thin.
Someone who promised to be by your side and never leave you but in the end still left you," a small tear trickled her cheeks as she finished.

The pain that she felt was unbearable.

She placed a hand on her heart as she exhaled .

She closed her eyes as she tried to calm her breathing.

"It's okay, I guess he just wasn't the right person. I'm sure you will find someone who truly loves and treasures you," he softly replied not wanting to hurt the broken girl.

She opened her eyes and looked at the boy.

"I don't know why you are wasting your time on me but I think I should go," she wiped her tears away and got up.

The boy grabbed her wrist to prevent her from going.

"You know, he doesn't deserve your tears," he got up and slowly wiped the tears on her cheeks with his thumb.

"Time heals all wounds. Just smile and be positive. One day you will meet someone who is just right for you,"

Mindi looked into his eyes and gave him a watery half smile.

"Thank you," she whispered.

She bowed to him politely and left.


"Here, please stop crying," another tissue paper was yet handed to Mindi by Hailey who was holding the box of tissues.

"I'm going to murder this fucking asshole ," Taiis fumed.

"Hey! No cussing," Nadia immediately gave Taiis a wack in her head.


"Chill,you can murder him later," Kewen told her calmly.

"Not helping Kewen," Nadia shot her a dirty look .

Mindi on the other hand was really quiet.

She wanted to cry but she was dried of tears .

She curled in her blanket and just though of life.

The happy times she had with Miguel .

The times when he made her feel one of a kind.

But in reality, it was all fake.

It broke her heart to think that he was only acting.

He probably already banged the girl .

Silently, her heart began to break into tiny pieces.

Her hand suddenly found the necklace she was wearing.

She tugged it off aggressively and threw it in the bin which was filled with tissues paper.

"Wait........I just realized something,"
Taiis said.


"Mindi forgot to bring my coffee,"

This is so sad 😢 what do y'all think about this chapter ??

And congratulations to BTS , Fake Love has surpass 50M in a day !!!!!! I'm so proud of our A.R.M.Y. 🎉🎉👏

Thanks for reading ,hope you enjoyed my book , don't forget to vote for the book ❣️❣️

Excuse for the grammar and spelling errors .

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