Chapter Twenty Eight

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"OH MY G-!"

"Taiis, hush,"


"Taiis, Shut, Up ,"


"We know . Chill," Nadia groaned.

"You have been exaggerating for the past five minutes," Kewen said with a flat look on her face.

"But , still-,"

"We know ," Mindi cut off her sentence knowing that she was going to go back blabbering if she didn't stop her .

"I'm actually really surprised that I scored a high grade to stay in the Multi task class," Kewen said .

"What you mean. You're a smart child unlike me ," Taiis answered .

"You're more talented than me though," she argued.

"Nah, I'm not that good," Taiis shook her head .

"You guys can like , uh, stop arguing and like, can we go to class ," Mindi asked .

"If I'm late for class because of you guys, I will kill you ," Nadia threaten dragging Taiis and Kewen up the stairs.


"So this is class A2. It's bigger than our old class," Kewen thought , quietly looking around the huge space .

"So I'm guessing, this is still the biggest class," Hailey said , walking in .

"Looking for someone in particular?" Taiis  smirked , point to the Namjoon who sat in the back of the class with Jimin and them .

Sheepishly, she blushed a bit as she walked towards him .


Upon hearing her voice, Namjoon's face immediately lit up .

"I hear someone eating ," Taiis , looking around the class.

"How can you eat someone eating ?" Nadia asked giving the girl a weird glance .

"The sound of wrappers and chewing," she answered as she looked at the back of the class.

Nadia turned her head to the direction she was looking at.

At the back of the class, Yoongi stood with a pack of cookies on his desk .

When Nadia looked to her right where Taiis was originally standing .

"Did she just disappeared," Nadia asked , blinking her eyes .

"Nah, she's by Yoongi , stealing his food," Mindi answered with an amused tone .

Nadia looked back and saw Yoongi and Taiis fighting over the snack .

"Seriously ,"

"Yup ,"



After finally settling, Nadia found herself by Jin's side .

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