Chapter Sixteen

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" Yum, this is really good," Taiis commented as she ate .

" I can't disagree ," Yoongi said .

"It's food, what you think ," Kewen answered as she stuffed her mouth.

All sorts of Korean food filled the table .

"How are we going to finish this?" Nadia asked looking at all the food as her brown eyes widened.

"There's a lot of us so we should be able to ," Jin replied.

" I love the way how you are underestimating us," Jungkook laughed .

"Just asking ," Nadia shrugged.

"Don't worry, we'll finish it," Taehyung assured .

As everyone was eating and talking, Nadia at one point noticed Yoongi looking at the bracelet on Taiis hand.

He was like observing it .

For some reason it looked like he recognized it .

When he look up , he saw Nadia shooting him a glare.

He smiled nervously at her and went back eating .

"What you glaring at?" Taiis asked Nadia .

"Uh? Nothing , continue eating ," Nadia smoothly lied , putting a piece of meat into her mouth.


Nadia looked around observing how her friends were communicating with Jimin's friends.

Kewen and Jungkook seems to be in a deep conversation about some online game they were playing .

Hailey and Namjoon seems to be really close but Jimin was keep glaring at Namjoon causing him to be kind of nervous .

And it looked like Mindi was laughing at something Taehyung said.

Mindi looks happy .

Nadia's expression softened as it has been a longtime she had ever smiled and talked so much after the breakup .

Nadia only wished for the best for her friends.

They were like a second family to her.

Always bring joy and happiness to her life.

"Hey, you good? Your smiling a lot," Taiis asked Nadia .

"Yeah, looks like Mindi found a new friend," Nadia pointed towards the two.

" Uh? Oh. "Friend"," Taiis said , bunny earing when she said "friend".

"Hush, she happy and I'm glad she is ,"

"Oh right. That reminds me. I need to kill Miguel,"

"Why you even thinking about that ," Nadia sighed .

"I don't know ," Taiis answered .

Nadia shook her head hearing the girl's answers and looked back at Mindi .

" I really hope she moves on ," Nadia said .

"Same," Taiis quietly replied .

Both girls stayed silence for a while as they listened to the rest of their friends chatter .

Why the hell is Yoongi still looking at the bracelet.

Gosh , boy , stop staring .

Again, Nadia caught him looking.

Why was he so fascinated with it ?

Who knows.

Carefully, Nadia picked up her glass to take a sip of water .

Then, Hoseok decided to get up .

He stood up but the somehow tripped .

At the corner of Nadia's eyes, she noticed it and choked on her water .

"Woah, Nadia are you okay !" Jin exclaimed.

She couldn't really reply since she was choking and laughing at the same time .

"There , there," Jin got up from his seat to pat the girl's back.

"I-I'm fine," She managed to gasp when she finally stopped choking.

"How did you even trip ?!" She laughed as Hoseok was being helped up by Jimin.

"I tripped on Jungkook's leg  ," he mumbled.

"And you caused poor Nadia to choke," Hailey said .

"You good? " Jin asked .

"Yeah, I'm fine ,"

A boring chapter ... But the food is nice ,Yum Yum! I'm hungry 😂😂

Omg I'm dying today !! Taeyeon , the queen had a comeback with the song "Something New" I'm in love the song 😍

Thanks for reading ! Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors ❣️❣️

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