Chapter Eight

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"Wake up! Guys get up. You don't want to be late for the first day of school," Nadia pulled all the blankets of the girls.

"Hurry, breakfasts ready ,"

"Ugh, what the hell are you telling me. I thought tomorrow is school," Taiis groaned .

"Tomorrow my foot . Get up Taiis . Kewen, Hailey and Mindi all got up,"


At that moment, Nadia left the room.

"Yas! I can finally sleep,"Taiis celebrate thinking that Nadia gave up on her and went back to sleep.


"What the fuck!"Ice cold water drenched Taiis from head to toe , waking the girl immediately.

She looked up to see Nadia holding an empty bucket and an evil smile.

"Now get up and go take a shower. Wait , you already did,"

"Fuck you,"

"Love you too,"


All the girls sat down and began eating the plate of food.

"Taiis,Why was your bed wet?" Hailey asked the girl as she sat down with a fresh shirt and a pair of jeans on.

"Well you see, this girl here decided to pour water over me ," she grumbled stuffing some bacon into her mouth.

"Hah! Good for you ," Kewen said as she chewed on her piece of toast.

"Hurry up and stop complaining Taiis. I need to wash your plates," Nadia interrupted.

The girls quickly finished breakfast.

They all grabbed their bags and went to the car with Nadia.


Nadia carefully parked the car in the car park available for the students.

The school was really big and modern.

They had a car park and a big field.

"Woah, this place is........ Amazing!" Kewen exclaimed in awe.

"Come on, we have to go to the office to get our schedules," Nadia said leading the way .

The floors of the hall were newly polished , shining under the light.

Lockers were placed along the white walls .

Each girl looked around to admire their new school.

The office was located not far from the entrance.

Carefully, Nadia pushed opened the door.

The office was quite big.

It was really neat and the smell of coffee filled the space.

"Morning girls , how can I help you?" The secretary asked .

"Hi, I'm Park Hailey, I'm here to get my schedule,"

Each girl introduced themselves and the secretary handed them an envelope with their name.

"So, we have our schedule, our locker number and combination and a map of the school. Awesome," Kewen said as they exited to office.

"We have twenty minutes until class starts so we can go explore the school,"
Nadia suggested .

"Can we go check the lockers so I can empty out my books. They are killing me," Taiis complained.

"We don't have that many books child. We are going to and Art and Performance School," Hailey stated.

"Still," Taiis wined.

"Come on , let's go before she dies," Nadia said .


" I have locker # 94," Hailey said.

"#93 here ," Taiis announced.

"#97 ,"Kewen checked.

"Uh, #92," Nadia replied.

"What about you Mindi?" Hailey asked.

"#95," Mindi whispered.

"Cool, are lockers are really close ," Taiis said.

Nadia ,  who memorized her locker combination immediately opened her locker .

"They must have cleaned these before school started ,"Kewen said , check her locker for dust.

While they were putting some books into the locker, Nadia began studying the map.

"Okay so there is three floors in the school. The first floor is where the lockers , office , sick room , cafeteria and lunchroom is located . The second floor is where all the classrooms are and the third floor is where the dance studio, music and art room are located," Nadia announced after throughly studying the map .

"Cool, this school is huge," Kewen's brown eyes immediately widened after hearing what Nadia said.

"Let's check the dance studio since we will be using  it quite a lot ," Taiis suggested.

"To the dance studio !"


The studio was quite big .

The floors were made of smooth wood.

Huge mirror where placed on one side of the walls.

There were a few big speakers on the side.

"I love this place already," Taiis commented,her eyes lit up immediately.

Mindi quietly looked in awe but said nothing the whole time.

After the incident, she became more quiet and lifeless.

"Damn, Jimin will love this place ," Hailey said.

"I can't disagree," Kewen commented.

The girls also went to check the Music room but were unable to since they had two more minutes before the bell rang.

"We can check the Music room during lunch," Nadia suggested as they all ran down the stairs to their first class.

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Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors 😊

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