Chapter Twenty Two

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"You got to be kidding," Nadia's eyes widened immediately.

"I-I'm kind of not," Yoongi answered nervously.

"T-that's ..... ugh. I don't even now the word ..............,"

"Chill Nadia . I'm as shock as you are ," Taiis said.

"But he is your childhood who left like what ? Ten years? That's really long and now all of a sudden. Boom ! He pops out ," Nadia answered ," Also, Why are you so pale ?"

"What? I was always like this ," Yoongi replied .

"No, you are paler than before ," Nadia argued .

"Why are we even arguing over this ?" Hailey asked .

"I don't even know ," Kewen answered.

At that moment, Nadia flung a pillow at Yoongi.

"What was that for ?" Yoongi asked .

"I'll been wanting to do that to you for a while . You're such a jerk for leaving the girl hanging you know," Nadia said , crossing her arm around her chest .

"Can you at least let me explain,"

"Go on. If it's not a good explanation, I get to beat you ," Nadia said as she took a seat on the couch .

Taking a deep breath out, Yoongi began explaining.

"So basically, I wanted to keep in contact with her but my mom took my phone ,"

"Yoongi sweetheart, can you give me your phone"

"Why mom?"

"Oh, because your getting a new one ,"

"I don't need a new one,"

"Well I thought you have been behaving really well so you get a reward,"

"It's fine mom, I don't need it ,"

"Yoongi, just give me your phone,"

"But why ? Can I at least save one of my friends number on my new phone?"

"What friends? You're going to make new ones . You don't need the old ones. These friends are going to be better ,"

"Of course I refuse, but in the end she still took my phone . I didn't understand why and that's how I lost contact with you ," he finished.

Silently, everyone watched him.

"You mothers such a ..... word ,"Kewen sighed .

"I know how you feel," Jungkook said .

"Life can be really unfair sometimes," Jin said .

"At least everything is fine now," Hoseok said .

"Yeah, that's true ," Hailey nodded .

"Fine, I won't beat you up, your explanation was good enough," Nadia got up .

"Whew , I thought was going to die today," Yoongi muttered.

"But if you do anything stupid, I won't hesitate to kill you ,"


"Where's Mindi ?" Taehyung asked as he sat down .

"She's in the Music Studio I think. That's what she told me ," Hailey shrugged.

"Okay, Thanks ," Immediately he got up and left.

"Since when was he so interested in where Mindi was ?" Hoseok asked .

"I have no clue ," Jin answered as he saw Taehyung left his sight .

"How did you not question him when he asked where Mindi was ?" Kewen asked Nadia who was busy enjoying her food.

"What you mean," Nadia eyebrows rose at the question.

"Before when Miguel asked where Mindi was, you question up the boy before letting him go," Kewen said.

"Pleas don't say that asshole's name," Taiis muttered.

"I guess I wasn't the only asshole in you life ," Yoongi said .

"Shut up ," Taiis snapped.


Slowly, Taehyung pushed open the door that lead to the Music Studio.

The moment the door opened, he stopped in his track.

His sharp ears picked up a melodious singing .

      You were the light of my life ,

                  The joy of my life ,

                    My other half ,

                  But it was all a lie.

               You left me in the end.

                          All alone ,

               With a broken heart.

After a short pause , he heard a soft cry .

He quietly peeked his head inside .

Head down, Mindi was mourning quietly.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

A set of headphones were placed on the desk .

Taehyung waited a few minutes before entering.

He sat down and began comforting Mindi.

"It's okay ,"

"Why are you here ?" She whispered.

"I had nothing better to do," he shrugged , " I didn't know you could sing ?"

"I can't,"

"But you sounded really well,"

"No I don't ,"

"Your song was really meaningful,"he said as Mindi looked up .

"You know maybe he wasn't the right person for you ,"

"I-I heard those words before. Have we meet before . Like in a park?" She asked as Taehyung began to ponder.

"I think so ," he finally answered .

"Thank you ,"

"For what?"

"For comforting me and being by my side that time even when you didn't know me,"


"You know exams are starting," Taiis said .

"And if you fail , you get kicked out the Multi task class Nadia added.

"That sucks," Kewen said, screwing up here face.

"Yo-," Hailey's word were cut off from a knocking coming from outside their door.

As Nadia opened the door, a breathless Jimin burst in .

"H-Hailey, mom called saying she's in Seoul,"

Suga revealed why he left Taiis ,it's sad 😭 This is an another sad chapter 😅

Btw I'll be having double updates starting from now till the book finishes 🤗

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this chapter ❣️

Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors 😊

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