Chapter Fourteen

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After a few minutes of silence, Hailey finally answered.

"It's a long story ," she shuttered , her eyes full of tears which threatened to fall.

"Woah, don't cry," Nadia immediately took a tissue paper and handed it to her .

"What about you tell us while we eat before the noodles get cold," Nadia suggested.

"Okay, anything is fine with me," Hailey answered .


"Basically, my parents didn't want me to study Arts and Performance and didn't support my dream. They wanted me to stay in Canada and study medical," she started.

"But they let Jimin," Taiis answered , suddenly angry at the way her parents biased her brother.

"Yeah, it's only because he could actually dance and as they say, he would actually succeed unlike me. When they applied me for The University of Toronto, Jimin secretly helped me apply for this school . He was the only one who believed I had the potential and helped me . After a while, Toronto accepted me and so did this school and Jimin too got accepted. Jimin then made a plan . When he was buying his ticket, he secretly bought one for me too.On the day he was leaving to go to the airport, he lied to my parents and said it was a morning flight when it was a night flight so my parents thought he already was on the plane and in Seoul that night .That night , I packed  everything I needed and I was leaving the household for good. Jimin came and picked me when my parents where in bed and we went to the airport together," Hailey finished.

"Wow, your brother is so nice," Kewen said.

"Yeah, he's the only family I trust ," she sadly replied.

"Then how your mom found your number,"

"I don't know and if she found where I was, she would would drag me back and lock me home ,"Hailey bitterly replied .

"That's so , so , Ugh! I don't even know the word to describe it ," Nadia frustratedly answered, " but one thing I know is that I'm not letting your mom drag you back to Canada because she wants you to study medical."

"Same ," Taiis , Mindi and Kewen answered .

"Thanks, you guys are the best ," Hailey said , wipping away the tears with her sleeve .

"Let's stop talking about sad stuff and eat ," Taiis suggested , picking up the chopsticks.


Right after dinner, Kewen went into the room she shared with Nadia to start some revise but saw her phone ringing.

"Who could that be," she questioned, picking it up.


"Hi, you weren't there,"

"Huh? What you mean. I was there ,"

"I didn't see you so I thought you couldn't come ,"

"But, What? I'm confused,"

"Well, I was waiting for you and you didn't come,"

"I came and I didn't see you and then left because I thought you couldn't come ," Kewen answered .

"Oh, same here . Sorry about that,"

"It's okay , maybe we can meet up another time and maybe we should give the other person a call or something," Kewen said.

"Okay, that's not a bad idea, you want to play or do you have to revise?"

"I have to revise so maybe tomorrow,"

"Okay, Cool. Bye,"



"Ugh, so much stuff to fit into my brain . I feel like my brains going to explode," Taiis complained.

"Please be quiet, I'm here trying to do a project," Nadia told Taiis .

"Ugh , I can't wait to graduate. No more homework and projects,"

"And you have to pay your bills and try to feed your ," Mindi added .

"Still, Ugh, never mind," She groaned .

"Please be quiet before I throw this pillow at you ," Kewen threatened.

"Okay, fine . You don't have to be so salty ,"

"Both of you please shut up . You guys are going to give me a headache," Nadia sighed at the two.

"I'm so bored , what can we do tomorrow," Taiis said.

"I don't know , anything is fine with me ," Mindi mumbled while working on her laptop .

"Can we go to the mall or something with Jimin and his friends," Hailey suggested.

"Jimin might be busy, you don't want to bother him ," Nadia said.

"Nah, I don't think so . Let me send him a text and see," Hailey said pulling out her phone.

"I really don't want to stay home on a Saturday. That will be boring," Taiis said.

"I want to stay home and sleep ," Nadia mumbled.

"Hey guys. Jimin said that he's fine with it and we can meet in the mall around twelve or so,"

"Yes! We don't have to stay home ," Taiis celebrated.

"Stop shouting before I kick you out ," Kewen grumbled .

Thank you for 600 reads , I appreciate it a lot ! I love y'all ❣️❣️ What y'all think about this chapter ??

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Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors 😊

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