Chapter Seventeen

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"I'll be back . I'm going to get some books from my locker," Mindi told her friends.

"Okay,we'll wait for you here," Hailey nodded .

Mindi immediately then ran to her locker which was around the corner.

The hall was empty and barely anyone was there.

Probably because most students wanted to get home quickly.

The only sound to be heard was Mindi's shoes against the smooth , shiny floor .

At once, Mindi popped her lock open and opened the locker door hurriedly in seach for her books .

"Found it ,"

At the moment she closed her locker and turned around, she bounced into someone.

Her books fell out of her hand .

"Watch where you're going," The blonde rudely said and walked away .

Mindi let out a sigh and picked up her books.

She then walked back to her friends.

As she passed the school door, she noticed someone outside by the car park.

The same girl who knocked down her books stood by her boyfriend, well ex.

She was leaning against his car and flirted with him .

Mindi gasped softly at the sight and her eyes started to water a bit , immediately realizing the girl .

"Hey Mindi wh-," Taiis started but then stopped and looked outside.

At that point they were now kissing.

"That di-,"

"Mindi? Are you okay," Kewen  immediately went to comfort her as Taiis marched towards the boy .

"Taiis! Come back !" Nadia shouted , confused at what was happening and immediately went to chase her.

"You asshole! How can you do this to my friend!" Taiis stormed to him.

Miguel's head looked up and saw Taiis .

His eyes immediately widened with fear.

The girl who stood by his side too looked around .

"Taiis! What are y-. Oh! You ! What are you doing here!" Nadia exclaimed.

"I-I ," Miguel started.

Taiis immediately slapped the boy across the face .

"Miguel!" The girl exclaimed.

"I hope you die and don't ever come close to Mindi or I will murder you ," Taiis spat venomously at him.

Miguel frantically ran into his car with his girlfriend and drove off.

"Asshole," Taiis muttered as Nadia and her walked back .

"That was awesome," Hailey told Taiis.

"You good ," Nadia softly asked Mindi.

"Y-Yeah, it's okay ," she  answer, wiping her tears away with her sleeves .

"I know that girl , her name was ............ uh? Hannah !" Kewen said.

"She's in the Performance class I think ," Hailey added.

So ,this is how the classes are dived.

•Performance class(dancing only)

•Vocal class(singing only)

•Rapping class(rapping)

• Multi tasks class 1.

• Multi tasks class 2.

So in the beginning of the first  year, they sign up for what they want to study for.

Usually the Multi task class is the biggest and that's why there are two classes.

After the first year , they do an exam to see if the can stay in their classes.

At that point, the Multi task class becomes one class as some students move to either the vocal , performance or rapping if their grades aren't high enough to stay in the Multi tasks class. (It's the hardest class to get in as their are limited spots)

BTS are in Multi task class 1.

The girls are in Multi task class 2. 

      Okay, back to the story.

"Oh, I remember the girl. I saw her on the first day of school," Nadia said .

"That bitch. I saw her knock Mindi's book out of her and didn't even help pick them up," Taiis muttered.

"Chill Taiis, you got to slap him already but you should have beaten him up ," Kewen chimed in.

"Kewen," Nadia sighed .

"What?! I would have beaten him up for Mindi ," she defended.

"Come on, let's go to the dance studio and forget about both of them ," Hailey said.


Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote .

Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors ❣️

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