Chapter Seven

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"Okay, I would like a cherry blossom latte , a green tea frappuccino..............,"
Taiis ordered.

She handed the cashier the money and waited for her drinks.

She was deep in thought , thinking about how she was going to murder that asshole Miguel.

How could he.

He knew she had a really fragile heart but still decided to play with it.

She really hoped he chokes and dies or something.

Or that slut gets pregnant .

"Miss, here's your drinks ,"

Taiis looked up from the counter immediately.

All the drinks were neatly placed in the coffee tray holder.

She picks up the tray and turns around , ready to leave.

Suddenly, an unexpected force collided into her.

The drinks she was holding immediately fell down.

Some spilled on her shirt and jeans, others just went on the floor.


She looked up to see the person who bounced into her.

He had white-blonde  hair which was slightly ruffled like he just woke up.

His skin somehow was really pale.

A set of black LG beat headphones on his ears.

"You got to be fucking kidding," he exclaimed.

Taiis gave a confused look and looked on the floor to see his jet black iPhone x on the floor .

His sweater and his jeans too wear covered in coffee.

He took off his head phones and rested them on his collar.

He bent down to pick up his phone and the first thing Taiis noticed was a huge crack right across the screen.

He frustratedly ruffled his hair and looked at Taiis.

"Wow,you spilled coffee on me and knocked my phone out of my hand,"

"What do you mean me?! You literally walked into me . How I'm I supposed to know you were behind!" Her voice immediately rose .

"This set of clothes is expensive and so is my phone," he angrily replied.

"Who told you to wear such expensive clothes to go to the fucking cafe!It was an accident. What's your fucking problem!"

"My fucking problem? I have no fucking problem. You literally ruin my phone and my clothes so what shit you telling me!"he argued.

"You know you should pay for my coffee since you knocked it out of my hand,"

"I think you should be paying for the damage you have done to my phone and clothes,"

"What shit you telling me, you probably have a whole set of new clothes you never wore !"

Taiis and the boy continued arguing.

Neither of them backed down.

Some people who were in the cafe all looked up and focused their attention on them.

An other person would be embarrassed by now since everyone was staring but Taiis was shameless.

She didn't care what other people thought of her and all ways voiced her opinions.

"Excuse me, please stop fight," a staff politely asked.

"Well this asshole here started it first," Taiis spat.

"Oh, so I'm the asshole now,"

"Miss, Sir, please stop,"

"I hope you fucking die," Taiis cussed before flipping off the boy who stood in front of her.


"Here, I brought your drinks," Taiis placed down the coffee tray on the counter .

"Than- , woah , what happened to your shirt," Hailey asked.

"Long story,"Taiis sighed.

She took a sip of her drink and sat down.

Carefully, Kewen handed Mindi her drink.

Mindi thanked her and took it, sipping it quietly as she listened to Taiis story.

"So let me guess, you cussed up the poor boy," Nadia stated .

"He cussed me first !" She defended.

"Yeah , Yeah, hurry up and change so I can wash your clothes,"

"Probably some rich boy, didn't you say he was carrying and X?" Hailey asked .

"Yeah, he had attitude too,"Taiis grumbled.

"Aww, poor Taiis ," Kewen cooed .

"Shut up before I beat you,"

"You are not beating anyone today," Nadia stopped Taiis immediately.

"Next time, reminded me to never send you to go out and do anything before you pick a fight again," Nadia sighed.

Isn't this chapter exciting 😀 Hope y'all enjoyed it ❣️

Thank you so much for reading ,hope u continue ❣️And don't forget to vote .

Excuse for the grammar and spelling errors ❣️

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