Chapter Nineteen

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"Ah! Shoot, I left my music book in my locker," Nadia exclaimed.

"Oh my gurd! Nadia left her book in her locker," Taiis gasped shocking .

"Shut up , I just left my book ,"

"But you never leave or forget anything,"

"Taiis shut up and Nadia go hurry and get your book before Miss comes," Hailey suggested.

"Okay ," Immediately, Nadia jumped up from her seat and sprang outside down the stairs.

"I'm going to die today if I come back to class in time ," Nadia muttered as she ran to her locker .

"There. Okay so I need the textbooks and the notebook ," She mumbled to the herself as she took the books out of her really neat and organized locker .

All the books where arranged in heights and subject.

She had an extra pair of clothes,extra pens , pencils , her schedule , sticky notes , hand sanitizer, wet wipes, tissue, hair bands etc.

Basically everything that she or her friends would need.

"Got it," she locked her locker quickly and began running down the hall to the stairs .

Nadia was so focused on getting back to her class that she didn't notice someone was by the corner down the hall.

As she reached the corner, someone was just walking out.

At that moment, they collided into each other .

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you good?"

"Oww. My head ," Nadia grumbled, rubbing her head as she looked up to see who she bounced into .

"Sorry Nadia, you good?" Jin asked .

"Yeah, partly, I think ,"

"Here ,let me give you a hand," he held out his hand .

Nadia took it and he pulled her up from the floor.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

They were so close to each other .

She could could hear Jin's heavy breathing.

Her heart immediately stared to beat quickly causing her to feel a bit nervous and uneasy.

She could  clearly see the color of Jin's eyes even though his bangs cover them slightly.

They were a really pretty shade of dark brown which shone under the light.

His skin looked really flawless and smooth .

She was quietly admiring his facial features not noticing Jin staring at her too.


At that moment, the bell rang.

The sudden sound caused her to jerk away from him.

"I-I need to go," Nadia immediately began rushing up the stairs.

"Wait ! Your book," he shouted , holing them up .

"O-oh Right. Thanks ," she shyly answered , taking them from him.

Jin stood there as he quietly watched Nadia disappear up the stairs.

"She's so cute," he smiled .


Nadia' s cheeks were still slightly warm and pinks .

As she entered the class , Taiis immediately noticed it.

"You're so lucky, Miss left the class just a minute ago to get something and didn't even notice you were missing," Kewen told her .

"Good ," Nadia answered .

"You look a bit flustered and your cheeks are pink. Are you okay?" Taiis asked .

"Y-Yeah? Just got tired from running up the stairs ," She lied.

"Okay,hurry up and sit down before Miss comes ," Mindi said.

Nadia immediately sat down and opened her books , waiting for Miss to come back.


"Got 7 is having their world tour concert soon," Kewen excitedly told Taiis who was eating her lunch.

"And? What does this have to do with me ," Taiis asked , placing a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

"I don't know , just need to tell someone," Kewen shrugged .

"You know you can buy a ticket and go to their concert," Nadia suggested.

"Yeah, but I don't want to be going alone. It's not like any of you guys want to go with me ," Kewen pouted .

"Maybe we might think about it since your birthday is coming it up ," Hailey said .


"Hailey said maybe," Taiis replied to the excited girl.

"Oh ................,"

"We'll see ," Nadia said after kicking Taiis in the shin for bringing her hopes down .


"Hush and go eat ,"

"Yes eomma ,"the girl sarcastically answered .

Kewen sighed knowing that she was mostly likely going by herself.

It's not like her friends want to come or have time.

Taiis probably would be sleeping.

Mindi and Nadia probably studying .

And Hailey probably would want to finish her rap.

I mean , she would like to do something during the weekend other than staying home .

Kewen was more there outdoor type of girl .

As Nadia says all the time , she was always on a sugar rush.

Jumping up and skipping around the place.

She can't really stay still for long .

Softly, Kewen sighed and propped her head against her arm as she waited for the rest of them to finish eating .

Unknowingly, Jungkook overheard their conversation.

Double update

Do y'all ship Jin with Nadia ??? I ship them 😂😂 Let's make a ship name for them 😁

Thanks for reading ,hope you enjoyed this chapter !

Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors ❣️❣️

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