Chapter Twenty Six

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This is a really long chapter .

Like four times the ones I write.

Sorry, I don't even know why I'm warning you about this but just so you know , you will be expected more words so..... yeah .

Okay, you can read now.


"Can we go to the haunted house first ? Can we ? Can we?" Kewen excitingly asked Nadia as she jumped up and down .

"Are you sure? It might be scary," Nadia unsurely asked .

"No! I'm not going ," Yoongi,Hoseok , Jin and Jimin shouted unison .

"I'm not scared . Please . Can we go?" Her big brown eyes stared at Nadia begging her .

"Okay..... if you really want to ,"

" Yeah !"

"No! Please . I don't want to go ," Hoseok begged .

"They have a haunted house ?" Taiis asked ignoring his please.

"Yes . I heard it's really big and scary ," Kewen answered .

"Oh no. I'm not going ," Jimin immediately said .

"Oh . That sounds interesting," Taiis' eyes lit up hearing that answer.

"Can I like..... not go too," Mindi nervously said .

"Come on. It's just once . You're not going to die or anything," Taiis said .

" I might die of a heart attack ," Jin muttered .

"Don't force them if they don't want to," Hailey said .

"It's okay. I'll go with you if you want ," Taehyung told Mindi .

"At least give it a try. If it gets too scary , you guys can run out ,"Kewen suggested .

"Yeah, you guys can do that ," Jungkook nodded .

"You're such a weird child. You're literally scared of nothing ," Mindi said .

"Come on , let's go ,"


"This looks so s-scary ," Hoseok stuttered.

"We're not even inside as yet," Jungkook said .

"I-I know. B-but still . I'm n-not going inside,"

" You can at least step inside the house with us and then run out ," Kewen said .

"F-fine ,"

Unaffected by the eerie atmosphere, Taiis ,Kewen and Jungkook stepped in first .

Then , the rest filtered in .

The moment Hoseok stepped in, the door behind him closed .

The loud bang immediately caused him to panicked.


He tried opening the door but it was tightly shut .

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