Chapter Three

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Jimin and Namjoon stayed all afternoon with the girls.

They didn't do much but just limed on the couch.

" I need more food now , I'm hungry again!" Taiis groaned .

"I better make something before you start chewing anything you see," Nadia said.

"Shoot, I forgot, we have absolutely nothing in the damn fridge,"

" Noooo!!" Taiis exclaimed.

"Chill, let me just run to the supermarket and buy some supplies," Nadia said pick up her mini  backpack which held her phone and some money and her jacket.

" I will be back,"Nadia said.

" Please hurry before I starve to my death," Taiis dramatically complained.

Nadia rolled her eyes at Taiis childish behavior and walked towards the door.

At that moment, Jimin got a call.

" Hello? Yes, Uh? Okay, I will be there,"he hung up and got off the couch.

" Hyung and I got to go back to our apartment now so we're leaving , " he announced.

" Okay, bye," the girls said to them.

They got in the elevator with Nadia and waited it to descend.

" Bye!" Nadia waved at them as the car drove out of her sight.

She then turned around to walk towards the closest supermarket by them which was a ten to fifteen minute walk.

The cold breeze blew across her face and her exposed skin causing goosebumps to rise.

She shuffled a bit and then pulled her jacket closer to her body.

At last, the supermarket was in her sight.


" Ramen....., water...., snacks.... salt .......,"  Nadia muttered to herself while shopping .

" Where the heck is the pack of sugar!?" Nadia frustratedly exclaimed.

At the moment, she spotted it on the top level of the shelf next to her.

"Finally found it,"

But , the thing is, the pack was on top shelf and some how Nadia couldn't reach it.

She  looked up and tried her best to reach it.

She stretch her skinny hands towards the item but still couldn't reach  it.

" How's this possible, I'm not that short," She ranted our of frustration .

She went on her toes but still couldn't reach it even though she was 168cm tall .

Not knowing someone was watching her, she continue talking to herself.

The boy chuckled softly at her action finding it amusing.

Then at last, he decided to help the poor girl.

Nadia, still not knowing someone was behind her , continued to reach for the item.

As she gave up, she felt someone's presence behind her.

The person towered over her and reached for the item she was struggling to get with great ease.

The sudden presence of the person scared Nadia so she jumped to the side and squeaked.

" Woah, calm down,"

Nadia looked up at the person who spoke to her .

Her cheeks tinted a bit since she kind of embarrassed herself in front of a stranger.

"Here ," the boy handed her the item and she took it thanking him .

For some reason she continued looking at him , shook by his height .

He stood there and saw the shook look on the girls face.

" What?" He questioned.

" Uh? Nothing, it's just you're really tall," she replied.

A soft laugh escaped his lips as he heard her answer.

" Uh, thanks but the way,"

"No problem,"he smiled sweetly back at her and then he left Nadia staring at his broad shoulders.

Awww!!! This so cute 🤗 Anyways tell me what u think about this chapter? Do you like it or not....? ( guess who's the boy??)

Have y'all seen BTS Singularity ,it's amazing !!!

Thank you so much for reading ,hope you'll continue reading ❣❣

Excuse my grammar and spelling errors thank you!!! ❤❤

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