Chapter Ten

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"Home sweet home," Taiis flung her backpack across the floor and threw herself on the couch.

"Taiis, stop throwing your bag, you are going to destroy it," Nadia scolded picking up her backpack immediately.

"Yeah, Okay," she mumbled not taking the girl on as she scrolled through her phone.

"Stop watching your phone and start your damn homework,"

"But I d-,"

"Don't try that with me, I will take away your phone ,"

"Fine," she pouted , reluctantly putting the phone away.

At that moment, Hailey's phone vibrated in her pocket.

She looked on the screen to see who called.

Sighing, she muted  her phone and placed it on the table to start homework.

"Aren't  you going to answer that?" Kewen asked , raising her eyebrows.

"Nah, it's some random number," she lied.

"Okay ," Kewen answered not a hundred percent believing her .

After a few seconds, the phone stopped vibrating.

Hailey let out a sigh of relief and went back to do her homework.

"I'm done ! I'm out of here!" Kewen exclaimed, shutting her notebook immediately.

"What ? How you finish?" Taiis exclaimed with an astonished look.

"I started in school so now I'm done," Kewen answered as she excitedly skipped to her room.

"There she goes and talks with that friend ," Hailey sighed.


" Ugh, it's only the first day of school and I'm already dying and wishing for it to be summer," Kewen groaned.

"You know," the person on the other end replied.

"I so want to drop out of school but then again my parents spend so much money on me to make my dream slowly come true,"

"You have really supportive parents. What you studying?"

"Oh, I'm studying Arts and Performance since I want to be and idol," Kewen answered.

"Really?! Same,"

"I just need to work on my dancing skills and I should be fine, I hope," she sighed.

"I can help you with that ,"

"Really? Maybe we can meet up or something," she joked .


"Wait , What . You were serious. How you sure I'm not stalker or serial kill-,"

" I know we meet each other online for nearly one month only , but I trust you ,"the person honestly answered.



For some reason Kewen was still kind of unsure about the idea but then after thinking it through, she caved in.

"You study in Seoul too?" She asked .

"Yeah , we can meet up in Starbucks. The one close to Spring Park,"

"Cool, I live close to spring park so that fine. How about this Friday?"

"Yeah, sure,"


"The child still talking?" Nadia asked looking at the time .

"Yep, she is," Mindi answered.

"Ugh, I'm hungry. Can you cook something for us to eat Nadia?" Taiis asked .

"Yeah, sure ," she replied, preparing to cook dinner for them.

The rest of them on the other hand had just finished their homework and were on the couch watching tv.

"Oh look it's Got 7 on tv, where's Kewen, she is missing her favorite k-pop band," Hailey commented .

"Oh well , bun she," Taiis answered and then switched the channel .

In a few minutes time, the aroma of Nadia's cooking was smelt by Taiis.

"Omg, Nadia , you're making kimchi fried rice ?!" Taiis exclaimed , getting off the couch to see what she was cooking.

"Yes and go call Kewen to come eat ," Nadia replied as she placed the dish on the counter.



"You are so lazy, you could have walked into her room and call her ," Nadia sighed, taking off the apron.

"Oh well too bad," Taiis replied picking up the chopsticks ," food is first."

This chapter shows how much Kewen loves her game 😂 Do y'all like playing online games ??

————————————————————————This chapter shows how much Kewen loves her game 😂 Do y'all like playing online games ??

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Thank you so much for reading ,hope you enjoyed and continue reading . Dont forget to vote for the book ❣️

Excuse for the grammar and the spelling errors ❣️❣️

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