Maxing out in more than one way...

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Once in the gym we're all stretching, I notice Alexa is mocking me. I was doing jumping jacks...she's doing them, I go down to do sit ups... she's down beside me, and finally going down to do push ups, this time she's laying over my back. I keep my pace getting to 67/100 when I hear Dean across the way "Damn Lexa you're trying to kill him". I raise my left hand off the ground continuing my set, putting it to her stomach flipping him off. I feel her giggle as I return my hand continuing until I finish. "Okay big one way to show off the guns, now let's move to weights, anyone setting maxes today?" Dean says rubbing his hands together.

Roman and I look at him, "Yeah sure why not" we say shrugging. Roman goes first 410lbs is his new max. "Shit man maybe I'll see those numbers one day" I say hitting him across the chest, taking 30lbs off we're now 10lbs heavier than my previous max shooting for 380 I get under lift the bar bring it to my chest and as I go to lift I feel like I can't do it... then the hype train "C'mon (Y/N) you got this" I hear Roman shouting, "Brotha keep going keep going" Dean screeches, and You got this (Y/N) I believe in you" Alexa said, that's all I needed I slung that bar up in the air and back to it resting spot. I sat up both the guys slapped each side of my back "Good shit" I hear them say.

Reaching for my gym bag Alexa grabs my water from it cracks it open for me, sits down infront of me before handing over the bottle she plants one right on my lips, I don't know what I wanted more the kiss to never end or her being here with me. She pulled back from the kiss, handing me the bottle I took a few swigs before handing it over. Before making her way to the cardio equipment she signalled for me to come to her so I did. I walked over to her, and she asked "Would you like to go out for lunch with me once we're done here",  "I'll just have to shower, yeah I'd love that". I say now brushing her cheek with my right hand, and kissing her forehead before making my way back to the guys. "Alright Dean your go "brotha", it's time for your max" I say walking up. "Nah I'm good don't want to embarrass you in front if your lady" we all begin chuckling, then we're acting like we're boxing before getting back to the grind, we finish up Dean and Roman leave. I'm gathering my bag, and bottle when it hits me I had a tanktop... walking around hastily looking for my top, now pulling at my hair I stop when I hear that sweet soothing voice say my name from behind "(Y/N)". I gather myself before I turn around and when I do I see Alexa wearing my tank top it covers most over her outfit all I see is the blue trim of her gym shorts. "Looking for something handsome?" she says playing with the ends of my tank top. "Yeah I was... but now I see it looks better on you than me so I'll let you barrow it... for now " I say smirking at her. "Well I mean talking it off of me is always an option" she says biting her lip, blushing, and now looking up to me from the ground as I've made my way to her. I look around for cameras, see there's none, and continue with my business... "Is that right babygirl" I say lifting her chin so our eyes meet. "Well what if I want it off you right now" we both lean in meeting eachother half way. The kiss growing sweeter by the minute, I push her down to the bench my hand has done found it's way to her neck grabbing the base of her tonsils gently I earn a faint moan before silencing it with my finger which she beings sucking on, and another kiss, I kiss from her mouth down her neck to her collarbone. Just then I hear the gym door open, not panicking I place my hand to her shoulder and one behind it and begin saying "Babe I told you not to try that, hopefully you're not hurt" looking at her winking, I help her up I look up to see an older guy with his 2 teen age sons.  I nod my head of the man helping her to the door.

Making our way down the hall I take my hand from her shoulder and wrap my arm around her waist pulling her close. "That was hot, and I'm not just talking about the fun we were about to have, but how you played that off so smoothly and I almost melted when you called me baby". Chuckling I walked her to her room as we neared the door "(Y/N)" she stops me now tracing hearts all over my chest making her way to the start of my shorts "Why don't we finish what we started in the gym?" "Baby girl I would love to but...*placing my hand to her neck and finger to her lips which she in turn suckles on as I speak* I'm sweating, there's not easy way to say thing so my junk is sweaty and when I stuff this pretty mouth... I don't want it to be like that...". "Ew I hadn't even thought of that, you're always looking out for me (Y/N)" now leaning in for a kiss before we part. Kissing her I say between pecks ""? "Hmmm a couple of hours at most I'll text you 15 minutes in advance". "Deal" giving one last pop on the lips before leaving.

A/N it's date night in the next scene!! Hope everyone is excited!!♡

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